Browse Items
- Abby
- Abolition
- abolitionists
- Abraham
- Abram
- Abrams
- Absolam
- Academia
- Accounts
- Adam
- Adam Rankin
- advertisement
- Africa
- African American
- African American churches
- African American soldiers
- African American women
- African Americans
- Agatha Logan
- Aggy
- Agnes
- agreements
- agriculture
- Akali
- Ake
- Aki
- Akie
- Alabama
- Albert
- Alcoholism
- Alek
- Alexander Scott Bullitt Howard
- Alfred
- Alfred Arrasmith
- Alice Westfall
- Alien Laws
- alimony
- alkali
- Allen
- Allen Campbell
- America
- American Colonization Society
- American Revolution
- Amie
- Amie Goodman
- Amy
- Ana
- Anaka
- Anatomy
- Anchorage
- ancient
- Anderson, A. J.
- Andrew Hare
- Andrew Jackson
- animals
- Ann
- Anna
- Anna Chenoweth
- Anne Fleming
- Annie
- Annie C. Courtenay
- Annie Christian
- Annie Henry Christian
- Annie Wearen
- Anniversaries
- Anny
- Anthony
- antiquities
- Antislavery
- apocalyptic literature
- Appalachia
- Appalachian
- Appalachian mountains
- apples
- appraisal
- archaeology
- Archibald Dixon
- architecture
- Arikara
- arithmatic
- arithmetic
- Arkansas
- Armstead
- army
- Arnie French
- art
- Arthur Douglass Doss
- Arthur Peter
- Arthur Peters
- Arthur St. Clair
- Artist
- artists
- Ashland
- astronomy
- atheism
- Attorney
- auction
- Auger
- Augustus
- Aunt Aggy
- Aunt Anny
- Aunt Betsy
- Aunt Caroline
- Aunt Cocke
- Aunt Dinah
- Aunt Fronia
- Austin
- Avena
- B. F. Coakley
- B. F. Fife
- B. F. Montague
- B. F. Taylor
- B. J. Dawson
- B. K. Wearen
- baby
- Baily, Abraham
- ballad
- Ballard
- Baltimore
- Bangs, Amanda
- Bank of the United States
- banking
- Banking law
- banks
- Baptist
- Baptist Emanuel Church
- Baptists
- Baptists, Black
- Barcus
- Bardstown
- Bardwell
- Barge, Amanda Allice
- Barney collection
- Bartlett
- Bass
- battle
- Battle of Lake Erie
- Battle of New Orleans
- Battle of River Raisin
- Battle of the River Raisin
- Bearden
- Beargrass
- Beargrass Creek
- Beck
- Beck Taylor
- Becky
- Becky Howard
- bed quilt
- Bedcover
- Bedcovers
- Bedding
- Bedford
- Bedspreads
- beef
- Beeny
- Bell
- Bell Jones
- Bell Taylor
- Bellmount
- Ben
- Ben Davis
- Ben F. Sandman
- Ben Fields
- Ben H. West
- Ben Meefer
- Benjamin Fields
- Benjamin Lawrence
- Benjamin Messer
- Benjamin Rue
- Benjamin Winchester
- Benny Bell
- Bernice McMurray
- Bernie
- Berry
- Bessie Maginnis
- Betsey
- Betsy
- Betty
- Bible
- Big Bill
- Big Bone Lick
- Big Clifty
- Big George
- Big Harry
- Big Jack
- Big Rachael
- Bill
- Bill of sale
- Bill Trigg
- Billey
- Billy
- birds
- Birds of America
- Birdsville
- birth
- Bishop
- Black Henry
- Black history
- Blandville
- Bloomfield
- boarding
- boarding school
- boats
- Bob
- Bobb
- Bojon
- Bol
- bond
- bones
- Bonser
- book
- booklet
- Boone's Station
- botanist
- botany
- Botetourt
- Boulton, A. C.
- boundaries
- Bowling Green
- Branham
- Breckinridge
- Bremen
- brickmaking
- bridge
- Brista Nichols
- British
- british colonies
- Bro. Barron
- Bro. C. M. Gordon
- Bro. Cat
- Bro. Donaldson
- Bro. Elsom
- Bro. H. K. Thomas
- Bro. J. H. Craig
- Bro. W. B. Millers
- Bro. Warren Blivhols
- Bro. William Hale
- Broadhead
- broadside
- Brooks
- Brother Felix
- Brother Peurad
- Brother Pierce
- Brother Steinbach
- Brother W. O. Wilson
- Brown Stovall
- Brown, A.
- Bubby John
- Buffalo
- Building
- buildings
- buiness
- Bullitt, Alexander Scott
- Bullitt's Lick
- Burgin
- burial
- Burr Conspiracy
- Burr, Aaron
- business
- business order
- C. A. Orr
- C. G. Jones
- C. J. Wells
- C. K. Sprowl
- C. L. Givens
- C. M. Jones
- C. W. Stone
- Caldwell
- Cale
- Caleb Logan
- Caleb Noel
- Calhoun
- calico
- Cambell
- Cameron Cunningham
- camp
- Camp Miami
- Campbellsburg
- canada
- Canal
- Canals
- Candle
- Cantone
- captivity
- Carlisle
- Carlo
- Caroline
- Caroline Courtenay
- Carrie Posey
- Carrithers
- Carroll County
- Carrollton
- Carter
- Caseyville
- Cass Garnett
- catalogue
- Catholicism
- Catlettsburg
- Cave City
- caves
- Cecilia
- Celia
- Central City
- Ceps
- certificate
- certification
- Cesar
- Cezar
- chapel
- Charity
- Charles
- Charles Reed
- charles scott
- Charles Trigg
- Charles Weller
- Charles Wright
- Charlie Aulick
- Charlie Gordon
- Charlotte
- Chas. E. Nash
- Chas. Stephens
- Chavy
- Cherokee
- Cherokee Nation
- Chicago
- Chick
- Chickamauga Nation
- Children
- Chilicothe
- Chippewa
- Chippeway
- Choctaw
- cholera
- Christ Peacely
- Christian, A.
- Christianity
- Christians
- Christians, Black
- Christmas
- church
- church history
- Cincinnati
- Cincinnati Medical School
- Clara Hendren
- Clarkesville
- Clarksville
- Cleaveland Raymer
- Clements
- clergy
- clerk
- Clerk John G. Lewman
- Cleven Dickens
- climate
- Clinton
- Cloe
- Cloth
- clothing
- clover
- Cloverbrook
- Cloverport
- coffee
- Col. John H. Whallen
- Cole
- Coleman
- college
- Colombus
- Colonel Zachary Taylor
- colonial period
- colonies
- colonists
- Colonization
- Columbia River
- commerce
- commission
- conflict
- congress
- Connecticut
- Conner, A. S.
- Conspiracy
- constitution
- Constitutional Convention
- constitutional history
- Constitutional law
- Construction
- consumption
- continental army
- contract
- contracts
- conveyancing
- cookbook
- cooking
- Cooking on the Frontier
- Cookware
- Cora Belle Spears
- corn
- Cornealius Totem
- Correspondence
- Corydon
- cotton
- cotton trade
- Cottonwood
- court
- court case
- court house
- Court of Appeals
- courting
- courts
- Cove Spring
- Coverlet
- Coverlets
- Covington
- Crawford Lyons
- creditor
- Creek Indians
- Creek Nation
- crime
- Crofton
- crop
- crops
- Cud Bullitt
- cultural institutions
- culture
- Cumberland
- Cumberland County
- Cumberland Falls
- Cumberland Gap
- Cummins, Allen
- Cunningham
- Curdsville
- currency
- Curriculum
- customs
- Cynthia
- Cyrus
- D. G. Higgs
- D. L. Bleigh
- D. P. Browning
- D. Y. Bagby
- D. Zenobia Wheat
- dancing
- Danel
- Daniel
- Daniel Boone
- Daniel Hays
- Daniel Nicholson
- Danville
- Daphney
- Darkey
- Darky
- David
- Daviess
- Daviess County
- Davy
- Davy Steward
- Daysville
- death
- debt
- debtor
- debts
- deed
- deed of emancipation
- deeds
- Delaware
- Delphi
- Delphia
- democracy
- Deposition
- desertion
- Detroit
- Diana
- diary
- diary entry
- Dick
- Dinah
- discovery
- disease
- diseases
- Diseases of Women and Surgery Generally a Speciality
- Dissertation
- District Office
- Divorce
- documents
- Dollie
- Dolly
- domestic life
- domestic trade
- domesticity
- Donover
- Dorson
- Dr. [Conrad?]
- Dr. Allen Acton
- Dr. Brandon
- Dr. Burton
- Dr. Christina
- Dr. Dudley S. Reynolds
- Dr. Edwin Haines
- Dr. Ferguson
- Dr. Glass
- Dr. Golden
- Dr. Gordon
- Dr. H. E. Deach
- Dr. H. H. Marshbune
- Dr. H. H. Roberts
- Dr. Hall
- Dr. Henry Chenoweth
- Dr. Henry Massie Bullitt
- Dr. J. B. [Jinway?]
- Dr. J. B. Marvin
- Dr. J. D. Batson
- Dr. John Bassett
- Dr. Jos. Martin
- Dr. K. P. Sultan
- Dr. P. Campbell
- Dr. Richard Chew
- Dr. Savage
- Dr. Smith
- Dr. T. T. Eaton
- Dr. W. C. Brandon
- Dr. W. F. Scott
- Dr. Williams
- Drake's Theatre
- drawing
- Drip Rock
- dry goods
- Dry Run Dave
- Dry Run Jude
- Dry Run Mose
- dueling
- Durham
- Durham, A. M.
- Dysentery
- E. E. McKay
- E. H. Black
- E. S. Candler
- Eagle Hill
- Earps
- earthquake
- East Kentucky Institute
- East Rudds Creek
- East Rudds Creek Baptist Church
- East View
- Economic conditions
- economics
- economy
- Ed Thomas
- Edel Y. H. Pease
- Edinburgh
- Edincurg
- Edmon Merser
- Edmund
- Education
- Edward Haines
- Effie C. West
- Effie Strader
- Effie Tucker
- Effie West
- Effie Woodcock
- elections
- elephant
- Eli
- Elijah
- Elijah Pence
- Eliza
- Eliza Coleman
- Eliza Collard
- Eliza Curtis
- Eliza Deppen
- Eliza Goodman
- Eliza Hundley
- Eliza Julia
- Eliza Julia Courtenay
- Eliza Prather
- Eliza Tevis
- Elizabeth
- Elizabeth Christian
- Elizabeth Dickinson
- Elizabeth Gregory Walker
- Elizabeth Pence
- Elizabeth Scott
- Elizaville
- Elk Horn
- Elkhorn Creek
- Elkorn Creek
- Ella Fry
- Ellen Brock
- Ellen Swathmey
- Ellie
- Elliot
- Elly
- Elma Settle
- Emancipation
- emigration
- Eminence
- Emmanuel
- England
- Enos
- Enslaved people
- enslaved persons
- enslavement
- Enslavers
- epidemic
- Epidemics
- episcopal
- Equality
- essays
- estate
- estate sale
- estates
- Estates General
- Esther
- Etta Whitemer
- Eubanks
- Europe
- European Immigrants
- Evalina
- Evaloma Spernits
- Evan Shelby
- Evangelical
- Evangelism
- Evangelist
- Evansville
- exchange
- execution
- Expedition
- expenses
- exploration
- exports
- expulsion
- F. E. Osborne
- F. F. Gibson
- F. McCoy
- F. P. Dimier
- factory
- Faith
- falls of the ohio
- family
- Fanie McNeal
- Fanie McNeel
- Fannie Hensley
- Fannie Nash
- Fanny
- farm
- Farmer's Bank of Kentucky
- Farmers
- farming
- farrier
- Farthing
- fashion
- Fast-day
- faw object
- Fayette County (Ky.)
- Fayetteville
- federal-state controversy
- Federalist
- female school
- feminism
- fever
- fiction
- finance
- finances
- financial
- Finchville
- fine arts
- fishing
- flax
- Flora
- Florida
- Flournoy
- Folsomdale
- food
- foreign relations
- Forks Elkborn
- Fort Delaware
- Fort Harmon
- Fort Huachuca (Ariz.)
- Fort Mandan
- Fort Meigs
- Fort Pit Road
- Fort Pitt
- Fort Wayne
- forts
- Fortune
- fossils
- Fowler
- France
- Frank
- Frank B. Raymond
- Frank Bell
- Frank Mark Conner
- Frank McKeown
- Frank Taylor
- Frank Walker
- Frankfort
- Franklin
- Franklin County
- Frannie Moore
- Frazier, A. J.
- Frederick
- French
- french colonies
- Frontier
- Frontier life
- fruit
- fuel
- Fulton
- Fund raising
- Furniture
- G. B. Stovall
- G. Dudley
- G. F. Strickland
- G. F. Sutton
- G. M. Davison
- G. M. Fradvine
- G. Munter
- G. Muter
- G. W. Perryman
- G. W. Taylor
- Gabriel
- Gadsden
- Gallatin
- Garrard
- Garret
- Garret Darland
- Gassie
- gender
- General James Taylor
- Geo. A. Cubbage
- Geo. H. P. Gibson
- Geo. P. Weller
- Geo. Robertson
- Geography
- geology
- George
- George Collier
- George Graham
- George Hunt
- George Nicholas
- George Philips
- George Reedy
- George Rogers Clark
- George Washington
- Georgetown
- Georgia Thomas
- german immigrants
- Gertrude Burns
- Gilbert Dobbs
- Giles Taylor
- Girl's Education
- Givens, [C. O.?]
- Glasgow
- Glen Mary
- Glencoe
- Glendale
- Gloster
- Glover
- Glover, Agnes H.
- god
- Godsden
- goods
- government
- grammar
- Granda
- Graves
- Greek
- Greenup County
- Greenville
- Greeting cards
- Grey Haw
- Grover Cleveland Conner
- guardianship
- Gurvin
- Gus
- H. C. Kenduck
- H. C. Rogers Sr.
- H. C. Settle
- H. C. Wood
- H. Claire
- H. D. Winkler
- H. F. Jones Jr.
- H. G. Heller
- H. H. Beaty
- H. H. Townes
- H. H. Willis
- H. J. Hamscott
- H. M. Saunders
- H. R. McDenlloch
- H.F. Jobes
- Habardsville
- Haden Quesenbury
- Hagerman
- hair jewelry
- Hallie Coombs
- Hames Bell
- Hanibell
- Hanna
- Hannah
- Hannah Sinai
- Hannibal
- Hardin
- Hardinsburg
- hardship
- Hardyville
- Harriet Slamper
- Harris
- Harrisburg
- Harrisburgh
- Harrison
- Harrison Co.
- Harrison, [S. T.?]
- Harrodsburg
- Harrodsburg Library Company
- Harry
- Harry Howard
- Harry Innes
- Harry Jones
- Hart
- Harvey
- hats
- Hattie May Jefferson
- Hattie Slamper
- Hattie Stemper
- Havilandsville
- Hawesville
- Hayes Bransford
- Hazle Patch
- health
- Hebrew
- Heidtville
- Helen
- Helen Bullitt
- Helen Bullitt Massie
- Helen Chenoweth
- Helen Scott Massie Bullitt
- Helen Stites
- hemp
- Henderson
- Henry
- Henry Ballard
- Henry Chenoweth
- Henry Clay
- Henry E. Hall
- Henry H. Sexton
- Henry Knox
- Henry Massie
- Henry Massie Bullitt
- Henry Sexton
- Henry Shipp
- Hepton
- herbology
- Hercules
- Hess, A. J.
- Heybus
- Hickman
- highway
- Hinkleville Ballard
- hiring out
- Hodgenville
- hog
- hog market
- hogs
- holidays
- Hollow
- Home Mission
- Home of the Friendless
- Home of the Methodist Orphans
- homicide
- Hontas Miller
- Hope
- horse
- Horse Cave
- horses
- Hospital
- hotel
- house
- housing
- Hudspeth
- Hugh Crank
- Hugh M. Saunders
- Hugh Steagall
- humane society
- Humphrey
- Humphrey Marshall
- Hunter
- hunting
- Hutchinson
- Ian Rickman
- Ida Irvin
- Ida May
- Ida May Geo. A. Cubbage
- Ike
- Illinois
- illness
- illustrations
- immigration
- imports
- imprints
- imprisonment
- incarceration
- independence day
- Indian Chiefs
- indian wars
- Indiana
- Indianapolis
- indians
- Indigenous
- Indigenous culture
- Indigenous customs
- Indigenous Peoples
- Indigenous persons
- industrial
- industry
- influenza
- inland navigation
- institutions
- insurance
- integration
- intelligence
- Internal migration
- Internal Revenue Law
- invention
- inventory
- investment
- Invoice
- invoices
- irish immigrants
- iron
- Irvingsville Church
- Isaac
- Isaac Finley
- Isaac N. Grabul
- Isaac Shelby
- Isabel
- Israel Christian
- Istachatta
- Iuka
- J. [Laurie?] Smith
- J. A. Coffman
- J. A. Head
- J. A. Kritley
- J. B. Dillson
- J. B. Guthrie
- J. B. Wilgus
- J. C. Burnett
- J. C. Wood
- J. D. Clardy
- J. D. Huggins
- J. E. Emerson
- J. E. Stephenson
- J. F. Rogers
- J. Frontman
- J. G. Parso
- J. H. Ash
- J. H. Black
- J. H. Burns
- J. H. Domman.
- J. H. Page
- J. H. Switzer
- J. J. Swan
- J. J. Terry
- J. K. [Nuriselly?]
- J. M. Duley
- J. M. Ruby
- J. M. Worten
- J. N. Beadles
- J. P. Bell
- J. P. Pierce
- J. R. Davis
- J. S. Claypool
- J. S. H. Kigel
- J. S. Hill
- J. S. Pemberton
- J. S. Phelps
- J. T. Casebin
- J. T. Tartar
- J. T. Thompson
- J. W. A. Stewart
- J. W. Eades
- J. W. Edwards
- J. W. Floyd
- J. W. Greene
- J. W. Lynch
- J. W. Mabry
- J. W. Mattox
- J. W. Reid
- J. W. Taylor
- J. W. Van Hoose
- J. W. Vancleave
- J. Whit Potter
- J.B. Martin Clerk
- J.S. Coleman
- Jack
- Jack Coleman
- Jackson
- Jacob
- Jacob Augustus
- jail
- Jake Miller
- Jame Trigg
- James
- James A. Acton
- James Anderson
- James Bird
- James Bullitt
- James Denton
- James E. Mitchell
- James Garrard
- James Hunter
- James Kavanaugh
- James Le Thomas
- James Lumpkins
- James M. Renfro
- James Madison
- James Monroe
- James S. Phelps
- James Vernon
- James Waters
- James Wilkinson
- Jane
- Jani Pierce
- Jared
- Jas Thomas
- Jas. [Svan?] Chatta
- Jas. A. Shuttleworth
- Jas. D. Burton
- Jas. H. Wilkins
- Jas. M. Moody
- Jeb Peyton
- Jeff Rines
- Jefferson
- Jefferson County
- Jeffersontown
- Jeffersonville
- Jennie
- Jennie Terry
- Jenny
- Jerald
- Jerry
- Jes
- Jess
- Jesse
- Jesse J. Mabsy
- Jet
- jewelry
- jewish
- jews
- Jim
- Jim Sanders
- Jimmy
- Jinney
- Jno. H. Weller
- Jno. L. O'Neal
- Jno. M. Wilkins
- Jno. W. Overstreet
- Jo. H. Thomas
- Joan
- Joane
- Joe
- Joe Summers
- Joe Williams
- John
- John A. Fulton
- John A. Herring
- John Ballon
- John C. Bullitt
- John Campbell
- John Carson
- John Chenoweth
- John Christian Bullitt
- John Coleman
- John D. Taggart
- John Edward
- John Fry
- John Gordon
- John H. Moore
- John H. Weller
- John Hardin
- John J. Audubon
- John J. Orr
- John J. Ow
- John Jacob
- John L. A. Stewart
- John L. Irvin
- John M. Bruce
- John Martin
- John McKeown
- John P. Aldridge
- John P. Declary
- John P. Hemby
- John S. Allison
- John S. Renfro
- John Shaw
- John Tarascon
- John Willett
- Joice
- Jos. Watson Jr.
- Joseph
- Joseph C. Williams
- Joseph Clement
- Joseph Cubbage
- Joseph Gashwiler
- Joseph Trucker
- Joseph. B. [Marvin?]
- Joshua
- Joshua Bernard
- Joshua Bullitt
- Joshua F. Green
- Joshua Fry
- Joshua Fry Speed
- Joshua Naylor
- Josie Long
- journal
- journalism
- journals
- Judge G. Carter
- Judge Givens
- Judge J. W. Edward
- Judge Jno. M. Burns
- judicial practice
- Judy
- Julia
- Julia Cropfield
- Julia Fox
- Julius Price Sr.
- Junius E. Hankins
- Jus. H. Burdin
- Jus. O. Rust
- justice
- jute
- Kanawah
- Kanly
- Kansas
- Kate
- Kate Weaver
- Kellars
- Keller, Abraham
- Kentucky
- Kentucky Auxiliary Bible School
- Kentucky Bible Society
- Kentucky constitutional convention
- Kentucky Court of Appeals
- Kentucky General Assembly
- Kentucky Militia
- kentucky music
- Kentucky Resolutions
- Kentucky River
- Kentucky Senate
- Kentucky--Militia; Louisville (Ky.)
- Kentucky; COVID-19 (Disease); Political posters; Protest and social movements; Racial justice
- Kesia
- Kiah
- Kidd Fund
- Kisea
- Kitty
- Knox
- L. B. Andrews
- L. C. Garnett
- L. D. Huffman
- L. D. Rasdall
- L. H. Shuck
- L. P. V. Williams
- L. T. Duncan
- La Grange
- labor
- Lagon
- LaGrange
- Lake Superior
- Lame Bill
- Lana Long
- Lancaster
- land
- land auction
- land bond
- land cost
- land deed
- land dispute
- land grant
- land grants
- Land laws
- land office
- land ownership
- land prices
- land purchase
- land speculation
- land survey
- land titles
- Land use
- land warrant
- language
- Larned
- Latin
- Laura Long
- Laurel
- law
- Lawrenceburg
- laws
- Laws and legislation
- Lawyer
- lead
- learning
- lease
- Lebanon
- Lee Miles
- legal
- legal document
- Legal services
- Legislation
- legislature
- Leitchfield
- Lele Cunningham
- Lelia Crockett
- Lella Robertson
- Len
- Lena Brown
- Lenny
- Letters
- Letty
- Levi Smith
- Lewis
- Lewis and Clark Expedition
- Lewisbart
- Lewisburg
- Lexington
- Lexington Library Company
- Lexington Medical School
- Lexington Medical Society
- Lexington Post Office
- Liberia
- Libraries
- Library
- license
- Licking River
- Liddy
- Lidia
- Lidy
- Life Insurance Agents
- Lilian Gary
- Lilly
- Lilly Hendren
- Lily Hendren
- linen
- linguistics
- list
- literary institution
- literature
- lithograph
- Little
- Little Bill
- Little Jame
- Little James
- Little Jimmy
- Little John
- Little Sam
- Little Sandy River
- Little Tom
- livestock
- Livingston
- Liz Ann
- Lizzie
- Lizzie Hensley
- Lizzy
- Logan
- Logan County
- Logsdon
- Lola
- loss
- Lot
- Louback
- Louis
- Louis Chowning
- Louis Rogers
- Louis, Albert
- Louisa Taylor
- Louisiana
- Louisiana Taylor
- Louisville
- Louisville (Ky.)
- louisville and portland canal
- Louisville and Portland Canal Company
- Louisville Hospital
- Louisville Legion
- love
- Lovelaceville
- Luber
- Luce Jenkins
- Lucinda
- Lucy
- Lucy Jenkins
- Lucy Kerteller
- Lucy Speed
- Luema Bolden
- Luie
- Luke
- Lula
- Lula Henderson
- Lula Rickman
- Lula Totem
- Lunatic Asylum
- Luod
- Lydia
- Lyman L. Parks
- Lynnford
- Lystra
- M. E. Scott
- M. H. Utley
- M. L. Fife
- M. T. Coates
- Mac
- machinery
- Madame [Juniper?]
- Madisonville
- Maggie Elmira Jackson
- Maggie Halloween
- Maggie Meguiar
- Maggie Sexton
- magistrate
- Magoffin
- Malcoms Mills
- mammoth
- Mammoth Life and Accident Insurance
- Mammy
- Manchester
- Mandan
- manifest
- Manuel
- manufacture
- manufactures
- Manufacturing
- manufacturing industry
- map
- Marcine Pharris
- Margaurite Warren
- Maria
- Maria Creek Baptist Church
- marines
- Marion
- Maritime trade
- Marius
- Mark
- market
- markets
- Marnie Conner
- Marriage
- marriage treaty
- Martha
- Martha Bullitt
- Martha Quinn
- Mary
- Mary A. Hollingsworth
- Mary A. Kinsella
- Mary Ballon
- Mary Cress
- Mary Cummins
- Mary Ellen Slaughter
- Mary Fields
- Mary Freeman
- Mary Hollingsworth
- Mary Hollingsworth.
- Mary Long: Mary Hollingsworth
- Mary Murphy
- Mary Nelson
- Mary Prather
- Mary Robertson
- Mary Smith
- Mary Stockhouse
- Mary Williams
- Maryland
- Mas. B. Raden
- Mascons Falls
- masonic hall
- masonry
- Masonville
- Massie
- mathematics
- Matilda
- matrimony
- Matt
- Matthew
- Matthew Flournoy
- Matthias Self
- Mattie R. Harrod
- Maude French
- Maude Nelson
- Mayfield
- McHidden
- McLean County
- McNeal
- Meader Allen
- Media
- medical
- medical botany
- Medical geography
- medical history
- medical note
- medical notes
- medical remedies
- Medical topography
- medicinal plants
- medicine
- Melisa
- Melissa
- Memphis
- Mental Health
- menus
- Mercer County
- merchant
- merchants
- Meriwether Lewis
- Merry Bell Brown
- meteorology
- Methodism
- Methodist
- Metropolis City
- Miami
- Miami River
- Michigan
- migration
- Mike
- Mildred
- Mildred Ann Bullitt
- Mildred Ann Chenoweth
- Mildred Chenoweth Stites
- Milford White
- miliary
- Military
- Military order
- Military personnel
- military return
- military survey
- military titles
- militia
- Miller
- mills
- Milly
- Milton
- Mima
- Mina
- minerals
- Miney Rae
- Miniatures
- Minnie
- Minnie Brandon
- Minnie Duley
- Minnie Sexton
- Mirnice (?) Jacksons.
- Miss Cilla Owen
- Miss Hallie Cawbs
- Miss Mary Hollingsworth
- Miss Mary Newman
- Miss Mary Stockhouse
- Miss Sarah J. Anderson
- Miss Zetta Farmer
- Mississippi
- Mississippi River
- Mississippi River Valley
- Missouri
- Missouri River
- Mocabee
- Modsden
- Mollie
- Mollie Cot
- Mollie H. Wilson
- Molly
- Molly Perkins
- money
- Monterey
- Moorehead
- Mop
- Morals
- Morehead
- Morganfield
- Moris
- Morning Glory
- Morocco
- Morrocco
- mortgage
- Moses
- mound builders
- mounds
- Mount Sterling
- mountains
- mourning
- mourning jewelry
- moving
- moving of goods
- Mr. [Huron?] Harris
- Mr. August C.
- Mr. B. F. Taylor
- Mr. Briston
- Mr. Cox
- Mr. Daniel Hayes
- Mr. Dave Beasley
- Mr. David Parks
- Mr. Dugan
- Mr. E. Atchinson
- Mr. E. M. Dean
- Mr. E. N. Woodruff
- Mr. Eli Olds
- Mr. G. A. Padgett
- Mr. G. B. Stovall
- Mr. G. H. Floyd
- Mr. G. M. Bibb
- Mr. Graham
- Mr. Green A. Robinson
- Mr. Greer
- Mr. Henderson
- Mr. Henry Rogers
- Mr. Hill Buchanan
- Mr. Hudspeth
- Mr. J. A. Veling
- Mr. J. D. Bennis
- Mr. J. H. Napper
- Mr. J. Harvey Sautherland
- Mr. J. K. Smith
- Mr. J. N. Rowlett
- Mr. J. W. Burton
- Mr. J. W. Terry
- Mr. James M. Ratcliffe
- Mr. Jno. Weller
- Mr. John J. Oserton [Osertin?]
- Mr. Jones
- Mr. Jos. F. Pasons
- Mr. Joseph Dulany
- Mr. L. C. Garnett.
- Mr. L. F. Strader
- Mr. M. T. Coates
- Mr. McNeal
- Mr. McNeel
- Mr. Moore
- Mr. Moses Terry
- Mr. N. U. Gould
- Mr. Philips
- Mr. Pierce
- Mr. R. Sawyer
- Mr. Richard Hall
- Mr. S. F. C. Wooldridge
- Mr. Shelby Wilson
- Mr. Snyder
- Mr. Stakey
- Mr. Suller
- Mr. Thomas Brock
- Mr. Torrence
- Mr. W. H. Callis
- Mr. W. H. Cropfield
- Mr. W. M. Rhea
- Mr. W. O. Haynes
- Mr. W. W. Breese
- Mr. Walker
- Mr. Wallace Rosson
- Mr. Weiller
- Mr. Willis Grimes
- Mr. Wood
- Mrs. A. M. White
- Mrs. Amanda Nelson
- Mrs. Amie Goodman
- Mrs. Atwood
- Mrs. B. F. Taylor
- Mrs. Belle Pool
- Mrs. Breakfield
- Mrs. Burton
- Mrs. Cassie Gregary
- Mrs. Dave Beasley
- Mrs. E. A. Bain
- Mrs. E. L. Mottley
- Mrs. E. M. Dean
- Mrs. Edith Baker
- Mrs. Edwin Haines
- Mrs. Eli Olds
- Mrs. F. McCoy
- Mrs. F. T. Heyser
- Mrs. Fannie Brown
- Mrs. G. B. Stovall
- Mrs. G. H. Floyd
- Mrs. Geo. W. Cubbage
- Mrs. Gus D. Coldway
- Mrs. Hackley
- Mrs. Hugh L. McElroy
- Mrs. Hugh M. Saunders
- Mrs. J. C. Barclay
- Mrs. J. D. Bennis
- Mrs. J. H. Napper
- Mrs. J. H. Page
- Mrs. J. N. Rowlett
- Mrs. J. S. Settle
- Mrs. J. W. Caseldine
- Mrs. J. W. Jamil
- Mrs. Jackson
- Mrs. John J. Oserton [Osertin?]
- Mrs. Joseph Donahue.
- Mrs. K. A. Veling
- Mrs. K. P. Van Der Veer
- Mrs. Katie C. Garrett
- Mrs. Knight
- Mrs. L. F. Strader
- Mrs. Laura Gould Porter
- Mrs. Laura Hayes
- Mrs. Leharly Johnson
- Mrs. Lillie Botts
- Mrs. Ludale La Rue
- Mrs. Lyle
- Mrs. M. C. Markham
- Mrs. M. L. L. Cunningham
- Mrs. Magrim
- Mrs. Martha Bell
- Mrs. Mary Roberts
- Mrs. Mira Ash
- Mrs. Moore
- Mrs. N. M. Sanderson
- Mrs. Napper
- Mrs. P. L. Steagall
- Mrs. Perry
- Mrs. Phelps
- Mrs. R. A. Fife
- Mrs. R. S. Evans
- Mrs. Roger Eastman
- Mrs. S. N. Docker
- Mrs. Sarah A. Cook
- Mrs. Sarah C. Ratliff.
- Mrs. Soncinda Scipses
- Mrs. Stewart
- Mrs. Susan A. Reynolds
- Mrs. T. R. Givens
- Mrs. Thos. R. Givens
- Mrs. Thurman
- Mrs. W. C. Brandon
- Mrs. W. H. Callis
- Mrs. W. H. Cropfield
- Mrs. W. M. Rhea
- Mrs. W. O. Haynes
- Mrs. W. W. Breese
- Mrs. Walker
- Mrs. Walter Cunningham
- Mrs. Willis Grimes
- Ms. Annie Chambers
- Ms. J. Ellotten
- Ms. Jenny Adamson
- Ms. Mollie H. Nelson
- Ms. Sallie Crawford
- Ms. Yandell
- Muhlenberg County
- Mulberry
- mulberry hill
- Munfordville
- murder
- Murfreesboro
- museum
- music
- muster roll
- Myer
- Myrtie McNeal
- N. A. Roys
- Nan
- Nan Milly
- Nancy
- Nannie
- Nannie Brock
- Nannie Moxley
- Nannie Peyton
- Nanny
- napoleon bonaparte
- Nashville
- Natchez
- Nathan
- Nathan Pharris
- Native American
- Native American captivities
- Native American culture
- Native American customs
- Native American History
- Native Americans
- natural disaster
- natural history
- natural rock bridge
- naturalist
- nature
- naval conflict
- navigation
- navy
- Nebo
- Ned
- Needlework
- negotiation
- Nell
- Nellie
- Nelly
- Nelly Martin
- Nelson
- nelson county
- Netta
- new albany
- New Jersey
- New Liberty
- New Madrid
- New Orleans
- New York
- Newberry
- Newell
- Newport
- Newspaper
- newspapers
- Newstead
- Newton
- Nicholas Hornsby
- Nichols, Alline
- Nimrod
- Nina R. Clark
- Noah
- Nora Coffman
- north america
- North American Land Company
- North Carolina
- Northwest
- Northwest Territory
- note
- notes
- Nrussinice (?) Dickens
- Nullification
- O. P. Tichenot
- Oakville
- ocean
- Oddvile
- Oddville
- Ohio
- Ohio Canal Company
- Ohio River
- Ohio River Valley
- Old Abby
- Old Bowsan
- Old Court-New Court controversy
- Old Jenny Winney
- Old Jimmy
- Old Judah
- old northwest
- Old Phill
- Old Polly
- Old Rose
- Old Saveho
- Oldham Bright
- Oliver Hazard Perry
- Ora
- order
- Ordinance of 1787
- ornithology
- orphans
- Osage
- Oscar Blankenship
- Oscar Bradly
- Owen
- Owensboro
- Owenton
- Owingsville
- Oxmoor
- P. A. Moxley
- P. B. Miller
- P. L. Sleagall
- P. L. Steagall
- Paducah
- painting
- Palmer House
- Palmersville
- pamphlets
- pamplet
- Pandemic
- Panic of 1819
- Paris
- Parker
- Parkland
- parties
- partnership
- patent
- Patrick Henry
- Patsy
- Paul E. Bomer
- payscale
- peace
- peaches
- Pearl Burnham
- Pearl Stansbury
- Pebe Hazzelife
- Peg
- Peggy
- Penal colony
- Penelope
- Pennsylvania
- Penny
- Penny, A. R.
- pension
- pensions
- periodicals
- Perneice Moody
- Perryville
- Peter
- Petition
- Pharris, Abraham
- Pheasants
- Phebe
- Phil
- Philadelphia
- Philip Buckner
- Phillis
- phrenology
- physician
- physicians
- physiology
- piankashaw council
- picture gallery
- pigs
- Pillowcases
- Pinesville
- pioneer
- pioneer life
- pioneers
- Pitts Point
- plan
- plank roads
- Plantation
- plants
- Pleasant Grade Baptist Church
- Pleasant Grove
- pleasant hill
- plot
- Plymouth
- poem
- Poetry
- Pointdexter
- policies
- policy
- politician
- Politicians
- politics
- Polk
- Poll
- Polly
- Pompy
- Pontiac's conspiracy
- Ponto
- Popler Grove
- population
- pork
- portrait
- Portraits
- post-office
- postmaster
- Pottery
- Powder Mills
- power of attorney
- prejudice
- Presbyterian
- Presbyterian Church
- presbytery
- Presidents of Mammoth Life & Accident Insurance
- Presly Ross
- Prinston
- Prinville
- Pris
- Priscilla Christian
- prison
- Priss
- Prof. Ryland
- promissory note
- Pryor
- Psalmody
- psychiatric hospital
- psychology
- public health
- public lands
- Pulaski County
- purchase
- Puss
- Q. B. Coleman
- Quartermasters Department
- quilting
- quilts
- R. C. Chenault
- R. C. Kerr
- R. E. Ryan
- R. J. Bassett
- R. Steagall
- R. T. Bass
- R. W. Mahan
- Rachael
- Rachel
- Rachel Crank
- Raleigh
- Ralph
- Randal
- Randals
- rangers
- Rankinites
- rattlesnake
- reading
- real estate
- Reap. J. W. Enders
- rebellion
- Rebus
- receipts
- recipe
- records
- religion
- Religious music
- religious thought
- remedies
- Renfro
- Rent
- rents
- Replevin
- report
- Rev. B. B. Van Neeys
- Rev. E. N. Dickens
- Rev. H. A. Tupper Jr.
- Rev. Haynesworth
- Rev. J. K. Burdine
- Rev. J.H. Taylor
- Rev. M. T. Chandler
- Rev. R. W. Mahan
- Rev. R. W. Morehead
- Rev. Taylor
- Rev. V. H. Cowsert
- Rev. Wm Anderson
- Rev. Wm. Anderson
- revenge
- Reverend Louis Burdette
- Reverend R. M. Dudley
- Reverend R. N. Neimer
- Reverend William Jayne
- revivals
- Riah
- Richard
- Richard Finley
- Richard Phillips
- Richard Prather
- Richard Woolfolk
- Richmond
- rights
- Riney Vill
- river
- river commerce
- river navigation
- river transport
- Roads
- Robert
- Robert Grayson
- Robin
- Robt. C. Green
- Rock Lick
- Rockcastle
- Rockport
- Rody
- Roger
- Rolling Creek
- romance
- Rosa McFarrian
- Rosa Vocum
- Rosana
- Rose
- Rose Abbey
- Rosia Holland
- Rosie Sexton
- rubber
- Runsville
- Russellville
- Ruth
- S. A. Burnley
- S. B. Penn
- S. B. Worwood
- S. C. Long
- S. G. Lindy
- S. M. Reacock
- S. P. Good
- S. Penn
- Sabra
- Sacramento
- Salem
- Salley
- Sallie
- Sallie Baily
- Sallie Crawford
- Sallie E. Crawford
- Sallie P. Bullitt
- Sally
- salt
- salt industry
- salt licks
- Saltsburg
- saltworks
- Sam
- Sam Ewel
- Sam Ewin
- Sam Johnson
- Sam Jurige
- Sammie Bales
- Sampler
- Sampson
- Samuel
- Samuel Clere
- Samuel Cralle
- Sarah
- Sarah E. Kinsella
- Sary
- Sasor J.
- Sawney
- scenery
- school
- science
- scientific institution
- scientific notes
- Scotland
- Scott Arterburn
- Scott County
- Scotts
- Scotts Station
- Scottsburgh
- Scottsville
- scripture
- Scythia
- Sedba
- sedition
- Sedition laws
- Segregation
- Selva
- Seneca
- Sermon
- servants
- Settle
- Settle Allen
- settlement
- settlements
- settlers
- shaker community
- shakerism
- shakers
- shakespeare
- Shanks
- Sharpsburg
- Shawnee
- sheet music
- Sheets
- Shelby
- Shelbyville
- Shelton
- Shepherdsville
- sheriff
- shipping
- Shorvin
- Shreve
- Shuttle
- sickness
- Sidney
- silk
- Silver
- silversmith
- Silverware
- Simon
- Sister Bowers
- Sister Lutishia Whiteworth
- Sister Peurad
- sketch
- slavery
- Slim Falls City
- smallpox
- Smiley
- Smith
- Smith Speed
- Smith, A.
- Smith's Grove
- snake
- social class
- social customs
- social life
- social life and customs
- Societies
- society
- Society for Kentucky Manufacturers
- soldier
- soldiers
- Soldiers - United States - Social life and customs - 20th century
- Somerset
- Sompy
- song
- Sonora Hardin
- Sophia Bullitt
- South Carolina
- Southwest Territory
- sovereignty
- Spain
- Spanish
- Spanish Conspiracy
- Spears
- speech
- Spencer
- spinning
- spiritual
- Squire Boone
- Sr.
- Stafford
- Stamp duties
- stamps
- Stanford
- statehood
- States' rights
- steam-boats
- steamboats
- Steele, A.
- Stella Harrison
- Stephen
- stocks
- storms
- strictures
- Sturgis
- Stuttgart
- Suca
- Sue
- sugar
- Sugar chests
- suicide
- Sulevan County
- sulpher
- Summit
- supreme court
- survey
- surveying
- surveyor
- Susan Bullitt
- Susan C. Speed
- Susan Haines
- Susan P. Bullitt
- Susan Peachy Bullitt
- Susan Rickman
- Susie Hendren
- Susie Maginnis
- Susie Mullins
- swiss immigrants
- Switzer
- Sylva
- Sylvania Burns
- T W. Harrod
- T. [Brouson?] Ray
- T. J. Humphrey
- T. R. Givens
- T. T. Eaton
- Tacketts Mill
- Tamy
- Tany
- Tapij
- Tar Fork
- Tarleton Goolsby
- Taylor
- Taylor, A. J.
- Taylorsville
- Tea
- Tecumseh
- Tenah
- Tener
- Tenessee
- Tennessee
- Terrell
- testimony
- Teush
- Texas
- Textile
- Textile tools
- textiles
- The Louisville Defender
- The Louisville Leader
- The Prophet
- the rapture
- The Raven
- The Star
- theater
- theater arts
- theatre
- Theology
- thirteen colonies
- Thomas
- Thomas Bodley
- Thomas Bullitt
- Thomas Gray
- Thomas Hensley
- Thomas Horney
- Thomas Jefferson
- Thomas Moore
- Thomas Rodman
- Thomas Walker Bullitt
- Thos. J. Jones
- Thruston
- timber
- Tinah
- Tinah Green
- Titus
- tobacco
- tobacco industry
- Toby
- Toll gates
- Tolls
- Tom
- Tom Body
- Tools
- Topography
- trade
- trading
- translations
- Transylvania University
- travel
- traveling
- travelogue
- treason
- treaties
- Treaty of 1783
- Treaty of Greenville
- trial
- Trimble County
- tuberculosis
- Tucker
- Tyler
- Uam
- Uncle Bill
- Uncle Billy
- Uncle Henry
- Uncle Jack
- Uncle Little Bill
- Union
- United States Congress
- United States. Army. Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps
- United States. Army. Women’s Army Corps
- United States. War Department
- University
- Utica
- Vealsburg
- Veech, Alexander
- vegetation
- vengeance
- Venus
- Versailles
- veterinary
- veterinary medicine
- Vilet
- Vincennes
- Violet
- Virginia
- Virginia Assembly
- Virginia law
- Virignia
- Visual Art
- Vulcan
- W. [J.?] Weller
- W. A. Davis
- W. A. Fulton
- W. A. Lee
- W. A. Steinbeck
- W. A. Stineback
- W. B. Blackiver
- W. B. Nofsinger
- W. Beard
- W. C. Brandon
- W. C. Buford
- W. C. Evans
- W. D. Hutchinson
- W. D. Moore
- W. F. Norton [Hierbert]
- W. Geo. C. Staylore.
- W. H. Anderson
- W. H. Fritts
- W. H. H. Ditgler
- W. H. Harris
- W. J. Browning
- W. J. Jones
- W. J. L. Heughes
- W. J. Roney
- W. L. Charles [Hierbert]
- W. L. Fuson
- W. L. Ramsey
- W. L. Weller
- W. L. Willans
- W. M. Carr
- W. P. Coyl
- W. S. Bailey
- W. S. Grinstead
- W. S. Roney
- W. S. Ryland
- W. T. McGill
- W. W. Warren
- W.R. Taylor
- Wabash
- wagons
- Walker R. Terry
- Wallace
- Waller
- Walter M. White
- Walton
- war
- war of 1812
- warfare
- Warren B. Nichols
- Warsaw
- Wash. Jordan Jr.
- Washington
- Washington D. C.
- waterway
- Waverly
- Waynesburg
- Weakley
- weapons
- weather
- weaving
- Weaving Reed
- weevils
- Welles
- West, A. C.
- Western exploration
- Western Herald
- western territory
- wet-nurse
- wheat
- whiskey
- Whitley
- Wicksiffe
- widows
- wildlife
- Wilie Worh
- Will
- Will Bunch
- Will Green
- Will Smith
- Will Trigg
- William
- William Anderson
- William Breckenridge
- William Buckner
- William Christian
- William Christian Bullitt
- William Clark
- William H. Wright
- William Henry Harrison
- William Hite
- william hull
- William L. Dulaney
- William Marshall Bullitt
- William Ozburn
- William Pence
- William Pope
- William R. Goodman
- William Soaper
- William Trigg
- William Wirt
- Williams
- Williams Burns
- Williamsburg
- Willie Freeman
- Willie McKeown
- Willis
- wills
- Willy K. Roberts
- Wilson
- Wilson Dawson
- winchester
- Wingo
- Winna
- Winnebago
- Winney
- Winny
- Winslow
- Wm. A. Broadhurst
- Wm. B. Noe
- Wm. Haynesworth
- Wm. K. Withers
- Wm. M. Morris
- Wm. Russell
- woman
- Women
- women composers
- women's history
- women's rights, women
- wool
- working class
- writing
- Yellow Creek Baptist Church
- York
- Young Dave
- Young Jim
- Young Jimmy
- Young Molly
- Young Moses
- Young Rachel
- Z. T. Long
- Zack
- Zanesville
- zion