Browse Items (68 total)
Undated manuscript describing life on Oxmoor plantation and the lives of Louisiana Taylor and Lucinda, two women enslaved by Mildred Ann Bullitt
An undated manuscript written by Annie C. Courtenay, describing life at Oxmoor plantation. Courtenay describes how Mildred Ann Bullitt, Louisiana Taylor, and Lucinda would sew and knit all the clothes worn by the people enslaved by the Bullitt family. Louisiana Taylor and Lucinda were two women enslaved by Mildred Ann Bullitt. Courtenay also describes the living conditions of the enslaved people at Oxmoor, William Christian Bullitt, and the cholera epidemic. -
Letter to Thomas W. Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt, March 23, 1861
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated March 23rd, 1861. In the letter, Mildred mentions Frank and Beck, two people who were enslaved by the Bullitt family. -
Letter to Thomas W. Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt, May 22, 1860
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated May 22nd, 1860. Mildred mentions Jacob sitting at the table and talking about the rain at Woodlawn. Jacob might have been enslaved by the Bullitt family, but it is unclear from this letter. -
Letter to John C. Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt mentioning Lucinda, a woman enslaved by the Bullitt family, April 3rd, 1851.
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, John C. Bullitt (Lynnford), dated April 3rd, 1851. Mildred mentions making Lucinda, a woman she enslaves, paint the porch. -
Letter to John C. Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt mentioning the women she enslaves, April 1st, 1847.
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, John C. Bullitt (Clarkesville, Tennessee), dated April 1st, 1847. Mildred mentions some of the women she enslaves, including Charity and Eliza, and their work in the kitchen. -
Letter to John C. Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt mentioning Betsy, a woman she enslaves, November 13th, 1846.
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, John C. Bullitt (Clarkesville, Tennessee), dated November 13th, 1846. Mildred mentions Betsy and her work in the kitchen, and asks John to write a “special message to Cynthia.” -
Letter to John C. Bullitt from William and Mildred Bullitt mentioning Titus, February 19th, 1846.
Two letters, attached in transcription, from William Christian Bullitt and Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to their son, John C. Bullitt (Clarkesville, Tennessee), dated February 19th, 1846. The letter briefly mentions Titus, a man enslaved by William Christian Bullitt, and other people who might be enslaved by the Bullitt family, including: Henry, Tom, Jim, and James.Tags Clarkesville; Henry; James; Jim; Mildred Ann Bullitt; Oxmoor; Tennessee; Titus; Tom; William Christian Bullitt -
Letter concerning the health of Rachel and Diana, women enslaved by the Bullitt family, January 24th, 1845.
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son John C. Bullitt (Lexington), dated January 24th, 1845. Mildred mentions Rachel and Diana, two women she enslaves, and their health. -
Letter to Mildred Ann Bullitt from William C. Bullitt, May 12, 1859
A letter from William Christian Bullitt (Cottonwood) to his wife, Mildred Ann Bullitt (n. p.), dated May 12th, 1859. William advises Mildred to call a watchman if she has any difficulty with the people they enslave. William writes about one individual, who he did not name, and advises Mildred to have him jailed and then sold if he misbehaves. William then writes about Joshua Bell's and Mr. Beriah Magoffin's speeches on the extension of slavery in the territories. -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullit, January 11, 1865
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) to her son, Thomas Wallace Bullitt (Fort Delaware), dated January 11th, 1865. Mildred writes that the people enslaved by John Jacob, an enslaver who neighbored the Bullitt family, had run away from enslavement. Mildred also mentions an abolition meeting held in Frankfort, Kentucky, which General Burbridge attended. -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt, November 26, 1864
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Fort Delaware), dated November 26th, 1864. Mildred mentions that Oldham Bright, the former overseer at the Oxmoor plantation, had bought an enslaved girl for $300 before she ran away. The girl is not named in the letter. -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt, September 4, 1864
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Fort Delaware), dated September 4th, 1864. Mildred writes that the men enslaved by Mr. Dixon (possibly Senator Archibald Dixon, Susan Peachy Bullitt's husband) have either died or left the plantation. Mildred writes, "Mr. D's (Dixon) men are all gone, as well as ours. Tinah and 'your mammy' stick and say they'll hang on as do some others." It is unclear if Mildred is referring to the people she enslaved running away, being sent down to Cottonwood, or dying of disease. It is also unclear who "mammy" is. -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt, November 25, 1861
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated November 25th, 1861. Mildred writes that so many enslaved people have died that "the whole place will be depopulated." She mentions George Washington and Lucinda, two people enslaved by the Bullitt family, by name. -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt, October 22, 1861
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated October 22nd, 1861. Mildred mentions Lucinda, a woman she enslaved, and her failing health. She also writes that the Bullitt family have decided to rent out Oxmoor and move the people they enslave to Cottonwood. Mildred writes that her husband, William Christian Bullitt, is "discouraged by the difficulty in managing them [enslaved people] to get any work done." -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt, October 7, 1861
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated October 7th, 1861. Mildred mentions Lucinda, a woman she enslaved, and her illness. -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt, September 21, 1861
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated September 21st, 1861. Mildred mentions the health of Lucinda, a woman enslaved by the Bullitt family, and thinks she will pass soon from illness. Mildred writes that "Uncle Bill looks as though he would outlive us all, black and white." -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt, February 20, 1861
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated February 20th, 1861. Mildred writes that an enslaved person was "stolen by an abolitionist" near their Cottonwood farm in Henderson County. -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt, January 18, 1861
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated January 18th. Mildred claims that Mrs. Winchester heard a story from an enslaved child that Black enslaved people would be freed soon and "if white folks didn't run fast, the Black people would kill them all." Mildred also writes that, "There are so many persons here who say their servants tell them they won't have to work for them much longer, that when Lincoln takes his seat they'll all be free." Mildred then relates how she told the people she enslaves that no one has the power to free them except her. She claimed that Cassius Clay couldn't free them, and neither could Abraham Lincoln. She describes the people she enslaves as "humble and well behaved," as well as scared of the abolitionists. She claims that the people she enslaves don't want to be hired out to people in the North because "they require so much more work of them [enslaved people] than the southern people do." Mildred refers to the previous overseer at Oxmoor, Oldham Bright, as "unprincipled" and that he "did all he could to corrupt them [enslaved people]." Mildred mentions Tinah by name, in passing. -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt, January 2, 1861
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated January 2nd, 1861. Mildred writes that, "So many abolitionists prowl among the negroes and try to induce an outbreak that a patrol was kept up all the time through the country." She then relates some local stories about abolitionists inciting enslaved people to resist enslavement. She claims, "the negroes have been again deceived; so many have believed Lincoln was to free them and they generally think he is a black man." -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt, November 6, 1860
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated November 6th, 1860. Mildred writes that Oldham Bright has been fired as overseer at Oxmoor because he proposed to Wallace, a man enslaved by the Bullitt family, that Oldham could buy Wallace and let him work on a steamboat for his own wages. She writes that, after this proposition, Wallace started to "behave in such a manner that your father sold him to Garrison."