Browse Items (7 total)
Squire Boone deposition, 25 September 1813
Deposition in the case of John Boling vs. Richard Meriwether, addressed to the Clerk of the Shelby Circuit Court. Involves a dispute over land that Squire Boone surveyed. -
Daniel Banta legal document, 1 March 1813
Legal document where Daniel Banta is making a complaint against Peter Banta, Albert Paris, and David Demarde over the price of some land acquired from Squire Boone. -
Letter from John May to Samuel Beall, 2 March 1780
Letter from John May to Samuel Beall attempting to settle a dispute over some land ownership claims. -
Letter from John May to Samuel Beall, March 1780
A letter in which May claims to have heard that profits could be made on the purchase of Settlement and Preemption Claims because many of the claimants didn't have the money to pay. May desires to purchase the lands out from under these people and make a profit. -
Letter from John Williams, Jr. to Isaac Hite, 13 February 1780
In a letter to Isaac Hite from Harrodsburg, Kentucky, John Williams, Jr., writes about trying to buy large tracts of land in Kentucky, although he claims that all of the good land has been taken by settlements. He writes about a land dispute in the Cumberlands on the Carolina border between Richard Henderson and Thomas Walker. He says that it is one of the hardest winters he could recall and that it decimated the stock at Harrodsburg. -
Edward Worthington vs. Daniel Callaghan & others, 27 June 1801
Court case between Edward Worthington and Daniel Callaghan & others, regarding land Worthington had located for Callaghan in Harrison County, Kentucky, in 1779. Worthington sued for his locator's share of the land. -
James Greer broadside, April 1789
A printed notice from James Greer, signed in print, voiding an unauthorized conveyance of a certain settlement right in the Lexington area by Robert Paterson to John Cockey Owings, which right Greer had previously sold to Thomas Prather, deceased.