Clark writes his brother Jonathan a lengthy letter from St. Louis regarding foreign affairs, politics, Native American affairs, and land investment and resources such as lead mining and salt springs. He has placed some of his enslaved people and one indentured person Ben Gee/McGee (formerly enslaved) to work in various ways or what he intends to do regarding them, including York and Scipio. Discusses selling land owned by their brother George and some William owns and some of the proceeds benefitting George. Reviews prices of livestock and goods locally and reiterates his desire to enter into business with his nephew John. Reports on the state of Julia's health and Meriwether Lewis' plans to go to Philadelphia to finish the expedition history.
Clark writes his brother Jonathan from St. Louis discussing his frustrations with his enslaved African Americans York and Scipio. He reports on conditions in St. Louis, various individuals, and investments in lead mining and saltmaking in the region. Reports that Meriwether Lewis was installed as master of the local Masonic lodge.