Browse Items (4 total)
Letter from Elijah Smith to Samuel Brown, 29 October 1820
This letter discusses the schooling of Mary Ellis, stating "with her fortune it is imperative she receive the education and training to prepare her for society and happiness in mature life." Relates that a malignant fever has reached St. Louis, Missouri. Smith asks Brown how schools are in Lexington, Kentucky, because his children need an education and the prospects of getting one in Natchez are bad. -
Letter from Lemuel Wells to Charles Wells, 24 November 1827
Wells writes about trading along the Ohio River, the recent sale of one of his enslaved women named Hannah for $200, current prices in Natchez and Nashville for apples, cider, flour, and other goods. Notes his location as “150 miles below the Falls” and promises to write again when he reaches Natchez.
Letter from John Bowman to Isaac Hite, 6 March 1780
A letter from John Bowman to Isaac Hite from Kentucky County, in which he tells of his livestock, land purchases, the need for wool, and the fear of attacks from Native Americans. He also writes of hearing that Natchez was in the possession of Spain. -
Letter to Dr. T. T. Eaton from John P. Hemby, October 4th, 1893.
John P. Hemby writes to the Home asking to secure a place for an orphan named Charlie Gordon. Charlie is 10-12, has no mother or father, and lives currently with his "homeless and peniless" grandmother. His father's name was Bro. C. M. Gordon, who was a Baptist preacher. He says for further information to contact Dr. Christina "of your city" and Rev. V. H. Cowsert of Natchez, Miss. Letter marked Gloster, Mississippi.