Browse Items (6 total)
Wool comb, circa 1800
In addition to flax, wool was an important fiber during the colonial and frontier era. Wool combs arranged the fibers, separating the undercoat from outercoat and teasing the wool before carding by disentangling, cleaning and intermixing fibers. Sheep were among the early domesticated animals brought to Kentucky. Home production of wool increased during the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 due to trade embargos. Free and enslaved women prepared and spun the wool into a usable yarn. They used the yarn for knitting, or it was taken to a professional weaver (free or enslaved person) who turned it into cloth. Wool was often woven with cotton or hemp in early Kentucky textiles. Approximately 4/12 lbs. of spun wool were needed to make a single blanket. Wool cloth was also sewn into clothing by women. -
Letter from William Clark to Jonathan Clark, 22 and 24 November 1808
Clark writes his brother Jonathan a lengthy letter from St. Louis regarding foreign affairs, politics, Native American affairs, and land investment and resources such as lead mining and salt springs. He has placed some of his enslaved people and one indentured person Ben Gee/McGee (formerly enslaved) to work in various ways or what he intends to do regarding them, including York and Scipio. Discusses selling land owned by their brother George and some William owns and some of the proceeds benefitting George. Reviews prices of livestock and goods locally and reiterates his desire to enter into business with his nephew John. Reports on the state of Julia's health and Meriwether Lewis' plans to go to Philadelphia to finish the expedition history. -
Letter from William Clark to his brother, April 1805
Letter from William Clark to his brother talks of sending his journal to the President and the Secretary of War, documenting his voyage and discoveries. Includes note stating he has included with the letter: one shirt worn by the Mandan Indian women, a few pairs of moccasins, some Mandan "legins", hides from several different animals, corn, tobacco seeds, a Mandan pot, and more, from the western country. He sends compliments from Meriwether Lewis to him and his lady. -
Receipt to William Ingram/Ingles, 14 October 1774
Receipt issued to William Ingram or Ingles signed by Josiah Ramsey verifying that he drove cattle for the expedition against the Shawnee. -
Letter from Frederick Edwards to William Christian, 7 May 1785
Letter from Frederick Edwards to William Christian reporting on news from Kentucky, especially from the Louisville/Beargrass settlement area and conflict with Native Americans. Discusses plans for the operations at Saltsburg and Nicholas Meriwether taking over as the manager, and driving cattle down to Kentucky. -
Letter from Henry Massie to Helen Bullitt Massie
Letter from Henry Massie to his wife, Helen Bullitt Massie, in which he writes of matters for her to attend to while he is in Ohio. He relays information about livestock, planting dates for corn and tobacco, and money affairs.