An advertisement for Annie and Lucinda after they ran away from their enslaver, William Christian Bullitt, dated June 18th, 1830. Annie is mentioned as the daughter of Aki, who was also enslaved by Bullitt, and the wife of Edmund, who was enslaved by William Pope. She is twenty-five years old, taller than most women her age. Lucinda is eighteen years old, and they both ran away from their enslaver a week prior to the advertisement. It is unclear if this advertisement was ever printed.
An undated document listing people enslaved by Eliza Prather, including: Garret, Thomas, Gess, Nimrod, John, George, Relus, Amy, Sabra, Kithy, Rose, Charlotte, Garret, Alfred, America, Daniel, Anna, Eliza, Edmund, William, Gared, and Evalina. Eliza Prather was Alexander Scott Bullitt's stepdaughter.