Browse Items (4 total)
Travels on an inland voyage: through the states of New-York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee and through the territories of Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi and New- Orleans: performed in the years 1807 and 1808: including a tour of nearly six thousand miles
Covers travels through Ohio and Kentucky and observations on mammoth bones (antiquities), floating mills, land prices and navigating the Ohio. Covers types of river transportation and shipment of goods between Natchez and Kentucky. -
Sketch of a journey through the western states of North America, 1827
Sketch of a journey through the western states of North America: from New Orleans, by the Mississippi, Ohio, city of Cincinnati and falls of Niagara, to New York, in 1827. Contains a description of the new and flourishing city of Cincinnati, by Messrs. B. Drake and E.D. Mansfield, and a selection from various authors, on the present condition and future prospects of the settlers, in the fertile and populous state of Ohio, containing information useful to persons desirous of settling in America. -
Letter to Mary Hollingsworth from Bright Church, October 3rd, 1888.
Letter to Mary Hollingsworth from Bright Church, publisher of The Examiner in New York, confirming they have now received payment of three dollars and fifty cents and will add the Orphans Home on their subscription list. -
Letter to Mary Hollingsworth from Bright Church, September 4th, 1888.
Letter to Mary Hollingsworth from the Bright Church, publisher of The Examiner, in New York stating that they send publications to reading rooms, Y. M. C. A. and Institutions for one dollar and fifty cents a year.