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History of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis & Clark to the sources of the Missouri, then across the Rocky Mountains and down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean: performed during the years 1804-06 by order of the government of the United States.
Title page of The first authentic history of the expedition, was written by Nicholas Biddle, and edited by Paul Allen. -
The history of Kentucky, from its earliest settlement to the present time, 1869
A history of Kentucky. -
Travels through the Western Interior of the United States, from the year 1808 up to the year 1816
"Travels through the western interior of the United States, from the year 1808 up to the year 1816: with a particular description of a great part of Mexico, or New-Spain. Containing a particular account of thirteen different tribes of Indians through which the author passed, describing their manners, customs, &c., with some account of a tribe whose customs are similar to those of the ancient Welsh." -
Letter from Constantine Rafinesque to Charles Wilkins Short, 17 July 1818
Letter from Constantine Rafinesque to Dr. Charles Wilkins Short in which he tells of his traveling through the western states. Rafinesque mentions his desire to meet Short in Lexington to see his plant specimens. -
A collection of some of the most interesting narratives of Indian warfare in the West, 1821
A collection of some of the most interesting narratives of Indian warfare in the West, containing an account of the adventures of Colonel Daniel Boone, one of the first settlers of Kentucky, comprehending the most important occurrences relative to its early history--also, an account of the manners, and customs of the Indians, their traditions and religious sentiments, their police or civil government, their discipline and method of war: to which is added, an account of the expeditions of Gen'ls. Harmer, Scott, Wilkinson, St. Clair & Wayne. -
Memoir, correspondence, and miscellanies, from the papers of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 2.
In 1788, Jefferson wrote to a John Brown of Kentucky urging Americans to wait until Europe was at war before attempting further exploration of the West. -
Sketches of the Life and Adventures of Jacob Parkhurst, 1842
Sketches of the life and adventures of Jacob Parkhurst; written with his own hand when about three score and ten years of age, not for speculation or honor, but for the benefit of the rising generation, particularly of his own descendants. Adding a few facts to the many recorded instances of the sufferings of the early pioneers along the Ohio River. Tells of his interactions with Native Americans and his journey west.