Browse Items (5 total)
The discovery, settlement and present state of Kentucky
Contains the adventures of Daniel Boone, the minutes of the Piankashaw council, an account of the Native American nations inhabiting within the limits of the thirteen United States, and the stages and distances between Philadelphia and the Falls of the Ohio, etc. -
The American Geography, 1794
Title page of A view of the present situation of the United States of America, containing astronomical geography, geographical definitions, discovery, and general description. Included is a particular description of Kentucky, the Western territory, map of the northern and middle states, comprehending the Western territory and the British dominions in North America. The publication includes three maps of Kentucky by John Filson.
For the complete title, see the New York Public Library Digital Collections at astronomy; British; Geography; map; north america; pamphlets; Spanish; travelogue; western territory -
Letter from John Coborn to James Taylor, 26 November 1806
Letter from John Coborn to James Taylor discussing schooling for his son. He expresses his wish for him to be taught "every useful branch of learning, carefully avoiding the dead languages..." and for his teacher to "direct his attention to the English Grammar, Geography, and some of the lesser branches of mathematics." -
Carte géographique, statistique et historique du Kentucky, 1825
Includes text on the climate, geography, economy, education, religion, government, etc. of Kentucky in 1825. -
A sketch of the medical topography of Lexington and its vicinity, 1806
A sketch of the medical topography of Lexington and its vicinity: being an inaugural dissertation, submitted to the examination of the Rev. John Andrews, D.D. Provost (pro tempore), the trustees, and medical faculty of the University of Pennsylvania, on the 21st day of April, 1806 for the degree of Doctor of Medicine.