Browse Items (6 total)
Compagnie de Colonisation Americaine, stock certificate, 1 July 1820
French stock certificate for one share in the Compagnie de Colonisation Americaine (American Colonization Company). Share is for 100 acres of land in Virginia and Kentucky for an investment of 1300 francs. Yields six percent annual interest. Dividends paid annually over thirty years using the attached coupons. -
Cincinnati in 1826
Full version of this text available at Cincinnati in 1826.Tags African Americans; banking; boarding school; bridge; buildings; Canal; Christianity; church; climate; college; Colonization; court house; courts; episcopal; exports; female school; finances; fine arts; fuel; government; Hospital; humane society; imports; institutions; insurance; intelligence; jail; jewish; jews; journals; Kidd Fund; land office; Library; literary institution; louisville and portland canal; manufactures; markets; masonic hall; medical; minerals; money; museum; newspapers; pamphlets; population; post-office; prison; public health; real estate; religion; scientific institution; steam-boats; theatre; Women -
History of the Backwoods, or, the Region of the Ohio, 1843
Title page of the History of the Ohio Rivery Valley from early accounts. Includes many events, notices of prominent pioneers, sketches of early settlements, etc. -
The Wilderness Road
Title page of The Wilderness Road, a description of the travel routes by which white settlers first came to Kentucky. -
Speech of the Honorable Henry Clay before the American colonization society, 20 January 1827
Speech of the Hon. Henry Clay, before the American Colonization Society, in the hall of the House of Representatives, January 20, 1827. With an appendix, containing the documents therein referred to.