Browse Items (3 total)
Deed of Trust between John Fry and Joshua Fry, November 5, 1811, and bill of sale for Moses, April 18th, 1811.
A deed of trust between John Fry and his father Joshua Fry, dated November 5th, 1811. In this deed, the people enslaved by the Fry family are listed by name and gender.
(Men:) Billy, Harry, Banthett, Bob, Peter, Davy, Lut, Hercules (Women:) Sally, Milly, Flora, Joice, Betty, Venus and two Lucy's (Girls:) Lucinda, Jennie, Jes, Flora, Penelope, Mary, Lucy (Boys:) Robin, Moris, Jack, Phil, Elijah, Gabriel, Sampson, and two Jacobs.
There is also a bill of sale for Moses attached to the deed, dated April 18th, 1811. Moses was sold by John Fry to Abraham Nichols. -
Contract hiring Little Tom, Sam, George, Hanna, Milly, and Lucy, people enslaved at the Oxmoor plantation, September 1821.
A contract hiring Little Tom, Sam, George, Hanna, Milly, and Lucy, dated September 1821. All the aforementioned people were enslaved by Elizabeth Dickinson, and were hired out to John P. Aldridge. -
List of allocations of Richard Prather's estate after his death, including the allocations of the people he enslaved, 1801 to 1806.
A list of allocations of Richard Prather's estate after his death, dated 1801 to 1806. This inventory was conducted in Nelson County, and mentions thirteen enslaved people being transferred to J. Hobbes and eight enslaved people being transferred to Mrs. Mary Prather (Richard's widow) by Mr. J. P. Oldham. Milly, an enslaved girl, was transferred to Mrs. Mary Prather from Richard Ferguson in 1806.