Written from the "foot of the Miami [River] Rappids," to Eliza Tunstal in which Love describes a battle at Fort Meigs on the Maumee River in Ohio. He states that while the American soldiers were holding their own against the British and Native Americans, Gen. William Henry Harrison ordered the soldiers to retreat into the fort. It was not until American reinforcements arrived that the attackers left the area. However, Love writes that while trapped in the fort, the Natives plundered the American soldiers' supplies and personal items being stored in boats on the river. He lists those killed at the battle.
A letter from Isaac Shelby in which he informs Henry Knox that two more people have been killed by Southern Indians since his last letter. He expects attacks by the Creek and Chickamauga as soon as winter breaks. Again requesting power to raise men and defend the state, Shelby calls for a large number of influential officers to accompany the expedition.