Browse Items (4 total)
Last Will and Testament of William Christian, March 13th, 1786.
The last will and testament of William Christian, dated March 13th, 1786. This document lists the forty-seven people he enslaved and who they will be transferred to upon his death. The people William Christian enslaved are named as follows: James Kavanaugh, James Lumpkins, Peter, Lewis, Titus, John, Dinah and her child Wilson, Tom Body, Sarah, Hannah, Edincurg, Cloe, Little Jame, Jenny and their children Sarah, Adam, Betty, Jenny, and Moses, Noah, York, Sam, his wife Ruth, and their children Bill, Poll, Luke, Tom, and Little Sam, Phebe, Riah, Ben, Delphi, Simon, Lydia, Hannibal, Cesar, Will Trigg, Charles Trigg, Jame Trigg, Venus, Ben, Billey, Melissa, Betty, Harry, Tom Body, and Salley. He bequeaths the people he enslaved to his wife, Anne Christian, and advises her to create a road connecting Oxmoor and Alexander Scott Bullitt's home. Alexander Scott Bullitt married Priscilla Christian, William Christian's daughter.Tags Adam; Annie Christian; Ben; Betty; Bill; Billey; Bullitt, Alexander Scott; Cesar; Charles Trigg; Cloe; Delphi; Dinah; Edincurg; Hannah; Hannibal; Harry; Jame Trigg; James Kavanaugh; James Lumpkins; Jenny; John; Lewis; Little Jame; Little Sam; Luke; Lydia; Melissa; Moses; Noah; Oxmoor; Peter; Phebe; Poll; Priscilla Christian; Riah; Ruth; Salley; Sam; Sarah; Simon; Titus; Tom; Tom Body; Venus; Will Trigg; William Christian; William Trigg; Wilson; York -
Letter concerning the health of Rachel and Diana, women enslaved by the Bullitt family, January 24th, 1845.
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son John C. Bullitt (Lexington), dated January 24th, 1845. Mildred mentions Rachel and Diana, two women she enslaves, and their health. -
Inventory of Joshua Fry’s Estate, August 7th, 1754.
An inventory of Joshua Fry's estate, dated August 7th, 1754. The people Joshua Fry enslaved are listed by name and value: Branham, Jack, Bonser, Sompy, Dick, Shorvin, Uam, Joane, Kate, Sarah, Pompy, and Phillis -
Inventory of Alexander Scott Bullitt's estate, June 8th, 1816.
An account of Alexander Scott Bullitt's estate after his death in 1815. This account lists all of the people Alexander Scott Bullitt enslaved, and who they would be transferred to after his death, including: Young Jimmy, Bol, Young Molly, Stafford, Matthew, Old Phill, Old Rose, Old Abby, Pris, Big Rachael, Big George, Jerry, Lucinda, Young Dave, Dry Run Dave, Lucy Jenkins, Cale, Mima, Violet (her three children Albert, George, Stephen), Amy (and her child Selva), Big Harry, Hannah Sinai (and her child Eli), Welles, Ned, Barcus, Dry Run Mose, Rachel (and her two children Jerry and William), Rachel (and her children Harrison, Jacob, Ruth, and Nelly), Polly, Pris, Letty, Young Moses, Little John, Abram, Big Bill, Hope, Little Bill, Celia (and her three youngest children, Titus, Dolly, and Abraham), Betsy, Young Rachel (and her three children Sally, Elliot, and an infant), Dinah (and her child Louisa), Ake, Amy, Frank, Big Jack, Cambell, Jim, Stephen, Zack, Lydia (and her youngest child Lucy), Lidia (and her children Aggy and Anthony), Old Jimmy, Winny (and her four youngest children John, Nancy, Sam, and Willis), Venus (and her child Maria), Old Polly, Tener, Sam, Sarah (and her child Harry), Peter, Old Judah, Charles, Molly Perkins (and her two children Sam and Sally), Daniel, Kisea (and her two youngest children, Penny and Jack, and her two oldest children, Matilda and Adam), Darkey (and her child Mary), Dry Run Jude (and her two children Charles and Winney).Tags Abraham; Abram; Adam; Aggy; Ake; Albert; Amy; Anthony; Barcus; Betsy; Big Bill; Big George; Big Harry; Big Jack; Big Rachael; Bol; Bullitt, Alexander Scott; Cale; Cambell; Celia; Charles; Daniel; Darkey; Dinah; Dolly; Dry Run Dave; Dry Run Jude; Dry Run Mose; Eli; Elliot; Frank; George; Hannah Sinai; Harrison; Harry; Hope; Jack; Jacob; Jerry; Jim; John; Kisea; Letty; Lidia; Little Bill; Little John; Louisa Taylor; Louisiana Taylor; Lucinda; Lucy; Lucy Jenkins; Lydia; Maria; Mary; Matilda; Matthew; Mima; Molly Perkins; Nancy; Ned; Nelly; Old Abby; Old Jimmy; Old Judah; Old Phill; Old Polly; Old Rose; Penny; Peter; Polly; Pris; Rachel; Ruth; Sally; Sam; Sarah; Selva; Stafford; Stephen; Tener; Titus; Venus; Violet; Welles; William; Willis; Winney; Winny; Young Dave; Young Jimmy; Young Molly; Young Moses; Young Rachel; Zack