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List of enslaved people hired out in the year 1818, written by William C. Bullitt.
A list of people enslaved by William Christian Bullitt that were hired out to other enslavers in 1818. This document includes the people loaned out, the amount they were hired for, and who hired them. This document lists the following enslaved people by name: Ake, Big Bill, Abraham, Hope, Little Bill, Dinah, Rachael, Celia and children, and Annie.Tags Abraham; Ake; Annie; Big Bill; Celia; Dinah; Hope; Little Bill; Rachael; William Christian Bullitt -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt describing the death of Henry Shipp, a man enslaved by the Bullitt family, July 18th, 1859.
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated July 18th, 1859. Mildred describes in detail the detail of Henry Shipp, a man enslaved by the Bullitt family to be their carriage driver, and says, "I shall mourn for him as I wouldn't for many friends." Mildred also mentions other people enslaved by the Bullitt family: Caroline, Diana, Wallace, Abram, Joe, and Little Bill. -
Letter to John C. Bullitt from Susan P. Bullitt concerning the health of people enslaved by the Bullitt family, November 25th, 1849.
A letter from Susan P. Bullitt (Lynnford) to John C. Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated November 25th, 1849. The letter mentions the health of the following people enslaved at Oxmoor: Aunt Dinah, "Uncle Little Bill," Aunt Betsy, Eliza Julia, Lizzie, Rose, and Armstead. The letter goes into detail about the typhoid outbreak. -
Letter to John C. Bullitt from Susan P. Bullitt concerning the health of people enslaved by the Bullitt family, November 18th, 1849.
A letter from Susan P. Bullitt (Lynnford) to John C. Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated November 18th, 1849. The letter mentions "Uncle Little Bill" and the health of the people enslaved by the Bullitt family. -
Letter to John C. Bullitt from Helen Bullitt and Martha Bullitt concerning the health of people enslaved by the Bullitt family, dated October 2nd, 1846.
A letter from Helen Bullitt and Martha Bullitt (Oxmoor) to their brother John C. Bullitt (Clarksville, Tennessee), dated October 2nd, 1846. Helen writes that many of the people enslaved by the Bullitt family are ill, including: Nathan, Samuel, "Uncle Little Bill," Mary, Titus, John Coleman, Milton, Eliza Julia, Henry Shipp, Tom, Jim, and "Mammy" (most likely Beck). Martha describes how Titus, a person enslaved by the Bullitt family, was almost burnt to death, and mentions other enslaved people, including: Lewis, Lucinda, Chavy, and Louisa Taylor (labelled as Teush). Helen also mentions Henry Shipp, an enslaved carriage driver, and his conversation with his wife, Eliza Julia, (who is enslaved by another enslaver): "Cousin Annie was out here Thursday and Wednesday, Julia was out here last Wednesday and Henry was showing her a picture and says, 'Look baby see dat house full wid a heap or little wifes in it, but me and you aint dar; is we baby?"Tags Beck; Chavy; Clarksville; Eliza Julia; Eliza Julia Courtenay; Helen Bullitt; Henry Shipp; Jim; John C. Bullitt; John Coleman; Julia; Lewis; Little Bill; Louisa Taylor; Louisiana Taylor; Lucinda; Martha Bullitt; Mary; Milton; Nathan; Nell; Nelly Martin; Oxmoor; Sam; Samuel; Tennessee; Titus; Tom; Uncle Bill; Uncle Little Bill -
Excerpts from "Recollections of Oxmoor," September 14th 1906.
A flyleaf copy of Henry M. Bullitt's recollection of Oxmoor, written in 1906. Six original pages are also in the folder. This document skips from page six to page forty-three, once it gets to Uncle Jack’s obituary. Bullitt writes extensively about the marriage of some enslaved people at Oxmoor. He writes that his mother gave Eliza to his sister Susan, but Eliza's husband Jim Sanders was owned by John Burke so Susan bought John from Mr. Burke for $1500 so the couple could stay together. Henry also wrote that "The negroes regarded their marriage as sacred and generally lived in harmony." All names of enslaved persons included are: Titus, John Gordon, Frank Taylor, “Uncle” Big Bill, Eliza (and her husband Jim Sanders), George Washington (usually called “Wash”), Little Bill, Nathan, Samuel, Caroline, Williams, Harry Jones, “Aunt Dinah,” and Jake Miller. -
Inventory of Alexander Scott Bullitt's estate, June 8th, 1816.
An account of Alexander Scott Bullitt's estate after his death in 1815. This account lists all of the people Alexander Scott Bullitt enslaved, and who they would be transferred to after his death, including: Young Jimmy, Bol, Young Molly, Stafford, Matthew, Old Phill, Old Rose, Old Abby, Pris, Big Rachael, Big George, Jerry, Lucinda, Young Dave, Dry Run Dave, Lucy Jenkins, Cale, Mima, Violet (her three children Albert, George, Stephen), Amy (and her child Selva), Big Harry, Hannah Sinai (and her child Eli), Welles, Ned, Barcus, Dry Run Mose, Rachel (and her two children Jerry and William), Rachel (and her children Harrison, Jacob, Ruth, and Nelly), Polly, Pris, Letty, Young Moses, Little John, Abram, Big Bill, Hope, Little Bill, Celia (and her three youngest children, Titus, Dolly, and Abraham), Betsy, Young Rachel (and her three children Sally, Elliot, and an infant), Dinah (and her child Louisa), Ake, Amy, Frank, Big Jack, Cambell, Jim, Stephen, Zack, Lydia (and her youngest child Lucy), Lidia (and her children Aggy and Anthony), Old Jimmy, Winny (and her four youngest children John, Nancy, Sam, and Willis), Venus (and her child Maria), Old Polly, Tener, Sam, Sarah (and her child Harry), Peter, Old Judah, Charles, Molly Perkins (and her two children Sam and Sally), Daniel, Kisea (and her two youngest children, Penny and Jack, and her two oldest children, Matilda and Adam), Darkey (and her child Mary), Dry Run Jude (and her two children Charles and Winney).Tags Abraham; Abram; Adam; Aggy; Ake; Albert; Amy; Anthony; Barcus; Betsy; Big Bill; Big George; Big Harry; Big Jack; Big Rachael; Bol; Bullitt, Alexander Scott; Cale; Cambell; Celia; Charles; Daniel; Darkey; Dinah; Dolly; Dry Run Dave; Dry Run Jude; Dry Run Mose; Eli; Elliot; Frank; George; Hannah Sinai; Harrison; Harry; Hope; Jack; Jacob; Jerry; Jim; John; Kisea; Letty; Lidia; Little Bill; Little John; Louisa Taylor; Louisiana Taylor; Lucinda; Lucy; Lucy Jenkins; Lydia; Maria; Mary; Matilda; Matthew; Mima; Molly Perkins; Nancy; Ned; Nelly; Old Abby; Old Jimmy; Old Judah; Old Phill; Old Polly; Old Rose; Penny; Peter; Polly; Pris; Rachel; Ruth; Sally; Sam; Sarah; Selva; Stafford; Stephen; Tener; Titus; Venus; Violet; Welles; William; Willis; Winney; Winny; Young Dave; Young Jimmy; Young Molly; Young Moses; Young Rachel; Zack -
Last Will and Testament of Alexander Scott Bullitt, August 24th, 1815.
Alexander Scott Bullitt's last will and testament, dated August 24th, 1815, and probated on May 13th, 1816. This document mentions all the people enslaved by Alexander Scott Bullitt, including: Jenny (and her four children Bobb, Molly, Stafford, Matthew), Phil, Rose Abbey, Priss, Big Rachael, George, Jerry, Lucinda (former wife of Daniel), Young Dave, Dry run Dave (and his wife Luce Jenkins, and their two children Kate and Mina), Vilet (and her three children Albert, George, and Stephen), Annie (and her child Sylva), Harry (and his wife Hannah Sinai and her child Ellie), Willis, Ned, Simon, Barcus, Dry run Mose and his wife Rachael (and her six children Ruth, Nelly, Jacob, Harris, Jerry, and William), Polly (and her children Letty, John, Moses), Peg, Abraham, Big Bill, Hope, Little Bill, Celia (and her four children Betsy, Titus, Absolam, Dolly), Rachael (and her two children Sally and Alek), Dinah (and her child Louisa), "Ake and Annie and Frank his children," Big Jack, Lame Bill, Jim, Stephen, Zack, Liddy (and her two youngest children, Aggey and Anthony), Old Jenny Winney (and her four children John, Nancy, Sam, Willis), Venus (and her two children Maria and Henry), Tener, Sam (and his wife Sary and child Harry), Peter (and his wife Judy), Charles (and his wife Molly Perkins and child Dolly), Danel, Kesia (and her three kids Adam, Matilda, Penny), Darky (and her child Mary), and Dry Run Jude (and her kids Charles and Winna).Tags Abraham; Absolam; Adam; Aggy; Ake; Albert; Alek; Annie; Anthony; Barcus; Betsy; Big Bill; Big Jack; Big Rachael; Bobb; Bullitt, Alexander Scott; Celia; Charles; Danel; Daniel; Darky; Dinah; Dolly; Dry Run Dave; Dry Run Jude; Dry Run Mose; Ellie; Frank; George; Hannah Sinai; Harris; Harry; Henry; Hope; Jacob; Jenny; Jerry; Jim; John; Judy; Kate; Kesia; Lame Bill; Letty; Liddy; Little Bill; Louisa Taylor; Louisiana Taylor; Luce Jenkins; Lucinda; Maria; Mary; Matilda; Matthew; Mina; Molly; Molly Perkins; Moses; Nancy; Ned; Nelly; Old Jenny Winney; Peg; Penny; Peter; Phil; Polly; Priss; Rachael; Rose Abbey; Ruth; Sally; Sam; Sary; Simon; Stafford; Stephen; Sylva; Tener; Titus; Venus; Vilet; William; Willis; Winna; Young Dave; Zack