African Americans

Alexander Blair, deed of emancipation, 7 July 1828

At a court held for the County of Woodford at the Court House in Versailles, 7 July 1828, an instrument of writing from Alexander Blair by which he…

An Outline of the History of the Church in the State of Kentucky, During a Period of Forty Years

Title page. Contains memoirs of Rev. David Rice, and sketches of the origin and present state of particular churches, and of the lives and labors of a…

Hiring out agreement for an African-American family, 31 December 1821

A one year hiring out agreement for an African-American family (Harry, Fanny, and Isaac) for $115. The agreement specifies the clothing required to be…

Involuntary, unmerited, perpetual, absolute, hereditary slavery, examined, 1808

Title page of Involuntary, unmerited, perpetual, absolute, hereditary slavery examined on the principles of nature, reason, justice, policy, and…

Letter from George Corlis to John Corlis, 24 March 1816


George writes to his father that he had found a slave who was well known and respected in the neighborhood. He purchased him for $525 and was…

Receipt for African American enslaved person, 11 March 1816

Receipt for the sale of an African American enslaved man named Charles for $525 to Robert Sanders dated 11 March 1816.

Travels through the states of North America, and the provinces of upper and lower Canada, during the years 1795, 1796, and 1797.

Includes view of the natural Rock Bridge, houses, conditions of the enslaved peoples,the land, cultivating tobacco, lower classes of people in…