Browse Items (68 total)
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt discussing Sabra, a woman enslaved by the Bullitt family, May 9, 1860
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated May 9th, 1860. Mildred mentions that she has learned to sew again since Sabra, a woman previously enslaved by the Bullitt family, left. -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Anna and Helen Chenoweth discussing the people enslaved by the Bullitt family, March 28, 1860
A letter from Helen Chenoweth, formerly Helen Bullitt, (Oxmoor) to her brother Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated March 28th, 1860. Helen writes that their mother, Mildred Ann Bullitt, has had "nothing but trouble and vexation at home with these negroes." In the same letter Helen's daughter, Anna, asks if the abolitionists are stealing people where Thomas is. There is a mention of "Mammy" in passing, but it is unknown which woman enslaved by the Bullitt family was known as "Mammy." -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt discussing the health of Samuel, a person enslaved by the Bullitt family, February 29, 1860
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated February 29th, 1860. Mildred writes that Samuel, who is enslaved by the Bullitt family, has been ill with pneumonia. Mildred says that she worries about Samuel because "so many black and white have died so suddenly from that disease." -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt, November 24, 1859
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated November 24th, 1859. Mildred writes that the enslaved people at Oxmoor are starting to break hemp. Mildred specifically mentions three enslaved women: Lucy, Dinah, TinahTags Caroline; Dinah; Helen; Jim; Lucy; Mildred Ann Bullitt; Oxmoor; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Thomas Walker Bullitt; Tinah -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt, October 29, 1859
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated October 29th, 1859. Mildred writes that Beck is "throwing tantrums" at her enslaver, Helen Bullitt. Mildred also mentions Caroline, another enslaved woman at Oxmoor, in passing. -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt, August 28, 1859
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated August 28th, 1859. Mildred writes that, on the Oxmoor plantation, "there are hundreds of darkies here this being the day for the funeral of all the dead." She also writes that Susan Peachy Bullitt's husband Archibald Dixon is "more taken up with the runaway negroes now than anything else." She also relates an article in the newspaper stating that the 15th of September was to be the day that many slaves fled from the southern part of the state. Mildred states that she believes they wont be better off by running away and that the abolitionists "have done their work far enough to render the negroes very determined on freedom and equality." -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt, July 18, 1859
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated July 18th, 1859. Mildred describes in detail the detail of Henry Shipp, a man enslaved by the Bullitt family to be their carriage driver, and says, "I shall mourn for him as I wouldn't for many friends." Mildred also mentions other people enslaved by the Bullitt family: Caroline, Diana, Wallace, Abram, Joe, and Little Bill. -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt, July 11, 1859
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated July 11th, 1859. Mildred goes into detail of her experience as an enslaver for the past forty years. Mildred mentions the death of Henry Shipp, an enslaved man who was a carriage driver, and was married to Eliza Julia. She also mentions Lucinda and Tinah, people also enslaved by the Bullitt family, in passing. -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt, June 29, 1859
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated June 29th, 1859. This letter mentions William Christian Bullitt's hire of Scott Arterburn as an overseer at Cottonwood plantation. -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt, June 18, 1859
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated June 18th, 1859. Mildred writes that Daniel and Simon, two men enslaved by the Bullitt family at their Cottonwood plantation, "headed a conspiracy to kill" William Christian Bullitt's mule "with the hope they'd get back to Oxmoor." She also notes that William fired the overseer for refusing to whip Daniel and Simon, citing his reluctance to whip the slaves by relating a story that an enslaved person killed a man trying to whip him. She writes that she hopes her children never have "the care and responsibility" of slaves, but instead farm in a free state where you pay your hands. She hopes that her husband would divide up the people enslaved by the Bullitt family among their children and retire from farming. -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Henry and Mildred Ann Bullitt discussing Harry and Sam, two men enslaved by the Bullitt family, June 14th, 1859.
A letter from Henry Massie Bullitt and Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to his brother and her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated June 14th, 1859. The letter goes into great detail about Harry and Sam, as told by their enslavers. -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Henry and Mildred Ann Bullitt, May 30th and 31st, 1859
A group of letters from Henry Massie Bullitt and Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to his brother and her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated May 30th and 31st, 1859. Mildred and Henry describe the death of Harry and Sam, two men enslaved by the Bullitt family, in great detail. -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt discussing some of the women enslaved by the Bullitt family, May 19th, 1859.
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated May 19th, 1859. Mildred writes that the people enslaved on Oxmoor plantation are "behaving well" while their enslaver, William Christian Bullitt, is gone. Mildred also writes that she may send some of the women enslaved (specifically Louisa and Tinah) at Oxmoor down to Cottonwood, the secondary Bullitt plantation located in Union and Henderson counties. Mildred also mentions Helen, her daughter, and Helen "having trouble" with Beck, a woman she enslaves. -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt describing Tinah, a woman enslaved by the Bullitt family, and her wedding, May 10th, 1859.
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated May 10th, 1859. Mildred describes Tinah's wedding to Will Green, a free Black man. She writes that Tinah, in her wedding dress, looked like "an Indian queen." Mildred also describes the crowd of people at the ceremony, both enslaved and free people of color. She specifically names the following women also enslaved at Oxmoor, along with Tinah: Lucy, Sabra, and Caroline. Mildred writes that, " Carter married [Tinah and Will Green]," but it is unclear if Carter was enslaved. -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt concerning Tinah's engagement, April 22nd, 1859.
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated April 22nd, 1859. Mildred writes that people enslaved at Oxmoor "continue to behave well," and that William Christian Bullitt had hired out free men and some of Dr. Young's men to help with the hemp at Oxmoor. Mildred also informs Tom that Tinah, an enslaved woman at Oxmoor, is engaged to Will Green, a free Black man. -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt discussing Henry Massie Bullitt eating meals with Sabra and Frank Walker, two people enslaved by the Bullitt family, March 26th, 1859.
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son, Thomas Walker Bullitt, dated March 26th, 1859. Mildred writes about how her son, Henry, was eating in the slave cabins with Sabra and Frank Walker. -
Letter to Thomas Walker Bullitt from Mildred Ann Bullitt discussing Lucinda, a woman enslaved by the Bullitt family, June 25th, 1858.
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her son Thomas Walker Bullitt (Danville), dated June 25th, 1858. Mildred writes that Lucinda is making raspberry jam, and that "the stone masons are at work getting up rock for the new negro houses." -
Letter to the Bullitt Children from Mildred Ann Bullitt discussing Caroline, Lucy, and Sabra's work on the plantation, May 4th, 1859.
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her children (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated May 4th, 1859. Mildred writes that she sent some of the women she enslaves, including Caroline, Lucy, and Sabra, "into the field to plant corn." -
Letter to the Bullitt Children from Mildred Ann Bullitt, February 1860
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her children (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated February 1860. Mildred claims that Lucy had tried to poison her by giving her tonic with bluestone in it. Mildred also claims that Lucy had smothered her own baby. As a result, Mildred writes that Lucy was sold to Garrison, the local slave trader, for $1350 and shipped to New Orleans. Mildred writes that, "Your father thinks the abolitionists have it all to answer for." -
Letter to the Bullitt Children from Mildred Ann Bullitt, May 3, 1861
A letter from Mildred Ann Bullitt (Oxmoor) to her children (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), dated April 13th, 1859. Mildred describes Caroline, an enslaved woman at Oxmoor, and her health.