The Filson Historical Society Digital Projects

Letter, 6 April 1918


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Letter addressed to Louis J. Discher, Co F 120 Infantry, Camp Sevier, S.C.

April 6 / 18
Sat PM 4:30

Dear Louis:

As I have a little time I thought I would write you a few lines. Lieut Dallas Abraham leaves Monday for Camp Gordon, Georgia. Agnes is going to St Louis to visit her mother for a while before she starts to take her course in nursing. I have just come in from seeing the women of Louisville parade there were a good many marched. I tried to induce Cecelia to go in it with your service flag but she would not do it. The most attractive division were the waitresses of the Red Cross Lunch Room all in white.

Aunt Maggie had me to take your picture to Rogers to have framed for her. Jim McGee said to tell you Hello. he said he will soon be in it and hopes he will look as good as that picture. Willie went to see “Turn to the Right” Thursday night and said it was great. The three Hinkle girls are coming out tomorrow night and the following boys are invited Martin Holzknecht, Louis and Bla[??] Heintzman, Alfred Huber, Johnnie Echsner and Johnnie Norton. Some interesting party isn't it?

Otillia saw Joe Hekeman on the car Wednesday. she said he surely is a good looking soldier and his suit is some fit. He is still in the Depot Brigade, has a squad of foreigners from Illinois. They say there are very few left of that crowd that went out when he did. They must be sending the boys across in great numbers. [H]ave you any idea how long you will stay at Camp Sevier? Perhaps if we would know in time, Aunt Maggie and I might come to Greenville and show you all a good time before you go. Auto trips, theatre parties etc is my idea, do not know whether it will materialize. I have found out as I thought what busted means. Uncle Frank wants to know if you have but one pen. I do not know what he means. Whenever you write letter to First & Walnut mention Albert in some way. Have you come across any one you know? When is their recreation time there Saturday afternoon and Sunday or do they have Wednesday afternoon too. How is your ankle, has it given you any trouble?

Be sure to meet the chaplains. [F]ind out where they are from. [G]o to the K.C. buildings.

[T]hey received your card out home today and Aunt Maggie and Uncle Frank got theirs.

It is still cool and has now begun to rain.

If you can afford it I suppose they boys here would appreciated a card. [I]t would be 13 of them without Uncle Willie. If that is too many address a card to The Boys which would include all. Have you been paid?

You will have some questions to answer in your next letter to

Yours lovingly

What would be appreciated in the way of eats?


Discher family, “Letter, 6 April 1918,” The Filson Historical Society Digital Projects, accessed September 19, 2024,


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