Advertisement for a fundraiser by the Black women of the Baptist Church in Frankfort, Kentucky, on December 2, 1847 at 7:00 PM. The advertisement notes that "A Good Supper, Oysters, Jellies, Salads, Ice Creams, Cakes, &c. &c., will be offered for sale on reasonable terms." The advertisement delineates that white attendees "will be waited on from 5 to 6 o'clock," before the main fair.
Photograph of Jerry Abramson during his term as general counsel during Gov. Jerry Brown's term in Kentucky. The photograph was taken on the steps of the KY Capitol building in Franfort, KY. Staff members' of Gov. Jerry Brown are also in the photograph.
Title page of The confession of Jereboam O. Beauchamp, who was hanged at Frankfort, Kentucky, on the 7th day of July, 1826, for the murder of Colonel Solomon P. Sharp. Includes, at end of the confession, a postscript, letters, and poetry written by the author and his wife, Ann Cook Beauchamp.