Declaration of change of residence for Eugénie Baer Hirsch, a French Jewish woman. She was married to Jacques Hirsch and the mother of Denise Hirsch Wolff (1909-2000). She immigrated to the United States and moved to Louisville, Kentucky, where her daughter had moved during World War II.
Architectural drawing of American Tobacco Warehouse created by O'Toole, mostly dating to ca. 1925-1956 when he worked for D. X Murphy & Bro., Architects, a firm in Louisville, Ky.
Photograph of Barry Bingham Sr. (1906-1988) with three of his five children, Jonathan, Sallie, and Eleanor, along with their standard poodle Figaro at the family amphitheater. The Binghams owned several standard poodles over the years, many named after opera characters. Bingham Sr. was a second-generation owner of The Louisville Courier-Journal, Louisville Times, and WHAS radio and television.