Browse Items (24 total)
Autobiography by Denise Wolff, circa 1960s-1990s
Autobiography written in English by Denise Wolff (1909-2000), a Jewish French American that immigrated to the United States during World War II. She describes her youth in France, hardship during German occupation during World War II, and immigration to the United States via Spain and Portugal, and activities she took part in at the Temple in Louisville, Kentucky. -
Interview with Roosevelt Chin, 2002
Transcript of an oral history interview with Roosevelt Chin (1933-2007) conducted by interviewer Sloane Graff in the spring of 2002. Chin discusses his parents's immigration to the United States and their lives as Chinese restaurant owners in Louisville, Kentucky. He recounts his childhood association with Cabbage Patch Settlement House and his later paid work there, beginning in 1953. -
Interview with Roosevelt Chin, Part 2 of 2, March 1987
The second portion of an interview with Roosevelt Chin (1933-2007), a lifetime worker at the Cabbage Patch Settlement House in Louisville, Kentucky. Interview conducted by Keith Cardwell. The interview duration is one hour exactly. Contains racial slurs. Chin recounts a time when he was young and tried to walk to the Cabbage Patch, only to get lost in the city. Chin describes the Protestant founder of the Cabbage Patch, Louise Marshall (1888-1981), and recalls her lack of trust of Catholics. Chin recalls his experiences with Lloyd Redman (d. 2013), an athletics coach at the Cabbage Patch. Chin describes his early jobs at the Cabbage Patch and at Miss Marshall’s home, as well as his early impressions of Miss Marshall. Chin describes the conflicts between himself and other staff members, namely Charles Dietsch (1932-2020) and Jim Cooksey (d. 2015), after Miss Marshall became inactive in the early eighties. Chin discusses the establishment of a new board and the hiring of executive director Tracy Holladay at that time. Chin describes how the Cabbage Patch got its name in the early 1910s, as well as the settlement house’s connection to famous author Alan Hegan Rice (1870-1942). Chin describes the impact that the Cabbage Patch and Miss Marshall had upon himself and his entire family. Chin briefly describes the daycare and the well-baby clinic. Chin briefly details the Cabbage Patch as it existed in the 70s and the impact of the summer program director Rod Napier upon various activities at that time.
For the first portion of the interview, see -
Interview with Roosevelt Chin, Part 1 of 2, February-March, 1987
The first of a two-part interview with Roosevelt Chin (1933-2007), a lifetime worker at the Cabbage Patch Settlement House in Louisville, Kentucky. Interview conducted by Keith Cardwell. The interview duration is one hour and thirty-four seconds. Chin describes his college years and the transition from being a full-time student to accepting a full-time leadership position at the Cabbage Patch Settlement House. Chin describes the various theatrical productions and parties that he helped organize at the Cabbage Patch. Chin describes the innerworkings of the Sewing School. Chin opines on how the changes in school bussing schedules brought about a low period for the Cabbage Patch. Chin describes the process by which Black people were integrated into the Cabbage Patch in the late 1950s. Chin describes the years of declining health in the life of the founder of the Cabbage Patch, Louise Marshall (1888-1981). Chin details the responsibilities to Miss Marshall which were put upon him and other Cabbage Patch staff members who were close to Miss Marshall during her final years. Chin describes the conflicts between board members and staff members of the Cabbage Patch after Miss Marshall became inactive in the early 1980s. -
Interview with Irvin Goldstein and photographs, 1980s-1990s, 2010-2018
Summary of an oral history interview conducted with Irvin Goldstein (1929-) in 2010 and 2018. The summary is accompanied by a circa 1980s-1990s portrait of Goldstein, photograph of Goldstein taken by Margaret Mazanec on June 23, 2013, biography, and resume. The interview was part of the Louisville Jewish Family and Career Services's project to document the lives of Jewish seniors in Louisville, Kentucky.
Irvin Goldstein descends from Polish and Russian ancestry and was born in Louisville, speaking English and a little Yiddish in his family. Irv lived in the Highlands with other family members in the area and maintained Jewish practice by attending synagogue at Adath Jeshurun. During the Great Flood of 1937 his family was a little crowded in their house as they also welcomed his aunt and three cousins after their basement suffered flooding, and they received typhoid shots at a local library. Beyond that, nothing especially severe occurred to his household. Irvin observed all Holy Days with his family, was confirmed in Cincinnati, Ohio, and was also Bar Mitzvah’d. Following high school at Ohio Military Institute then Male High School, he attended the University of Kentucky, where he ultimately majored in Elementary Education. He wound up teaching Canada, followed by New Albany, Indiana. He enjoys building model airplanes and H. O. model railroads, has a stamp collection, and values the participation of his children and grandchildren in Jewish activities. -
Sixth and Main Parking Garage renders, 1985-1992
Sheet inventory:
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_001 - Northern and Southern elevations of the parking garage.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_002 - Light drawing of the Sixth & Main Parking Garage.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_003 - Drawing of the Sixth & Main Parking Garage.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_033 - Drawing of the Eastern side of the parking garage.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_034 - Drawing of the parking garage from Sixth Street
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_035 - Drawing of the Sixth & Main Parking Garage with the addition of a child care center on the ground floor.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_036 - Drawing of the parking garage from Sixth Street with the addition of the third bay.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_038 - Drawing of the Sixth & Main Parking Garage with the addition of a child care center on the ground floor.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_040 - Aerial drawing of the original parking garage prior to any additions. -
Sixth and Main Parking Garage preliminary and schematic drawings, 1985-1992
Sheet inventory:
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_006 - Planned location for the third bay addition.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_016 - Site of the third bay extension.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_017 - Plans for the entrance and exit to and from Market Street.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_018 - Intended site of the third bay addition to the parking garage.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_020 - Topographical survey of the site of the third bay extension.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_021 - Plan for the alley leading away from the parking garage towards Seventh Street. Note that in this page the cardinal orientation is rotated 180 degrees.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_022 - Exit from the parking garage towards Seventh Street. Note that in this page the cardinal orientation is rotated 90 degrees.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_023 - Longitudinal section of the alley leading out of the parking garage towards Seventh Street.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_024 - Drawing of the Floor Plan of the Third Bay addition.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_025 - Plan for the alley between the Republic Bank and a potential child care center.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_027 - Planned parking spots for the first floor of the parking garage.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_028 - Planned parking spots from the second floor to the eighth floor.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_030 - Drawing of the façade for the alley that faces Seventh Street.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_031 - Gateway for the Seventh Street Alley entrance/exit.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_039 - Drawing of the ground floor of the parking garage prior to any additions.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f60_1985_001 - Drawings of various sections of the parking garage, including the front stairwell.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f60_1985_002 - Scheme A of the ground floor of the original parking garage.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f60_1985_004 - Scheme B ramp. Features a curved ramp with curved walls. Marked as void.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f60_1985_006 - Scheme A ramp. Features a curved ramp with straight walls. Marked as void.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f60_1985_007 - Cross section of the original parking garage facing East.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f60_1985_010 - Overview of a possible future addition of a third bay to the parking garage.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f60_1985_011 - Cross section of the parking garage.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_026 - Floor plan for a potential Day Care Center located between the Sixth & Main Parking Garage and Republic Bank.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f60_1985_008 - North-South cross section of scheme A of the original parking garage.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f60_1985_009 - Layout of the ground floor of the parking garage and surrounding buildings. -
Sixth and Main Parking Garage record drawing set, 1985-1992
Sheet inventory:
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_004 - Architectural plans index for the third bay addition to the Sixth & Main Parking Garage.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_005 - Plans for the demolition of the first floor.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_007 - Initial plans for the first floor. This layout was not used, but rather the layout on A-2A & A-2B was used.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_008 - Plans for the roof of the parking garage.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_009 - Eastern and Western elevations of the parking garage.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_010 - Revised first floor plans. Also see A-2B which features the grading plan for the first floor.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_011 - Typical floor plans for the other floors of the parking garage.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_012 - Grading plan for the first floor. Also see A-2A for the plan for the first floor.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_013 - Southern elevation of the parking garage.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_014 - Interior of the parking garage from the Southern side.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_015 - Interior of the parking garage from the Eastern side. Additionally, there are various details concerning the roof curbs.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f59_019 - Exit from the parking garage (featured on the right) past Greenberg Lot (positioned towards the bottom right of the plan) onto South Seventh Street.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f60_1985_012 - Features various cross sections and elevations.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f60_1985_003 - Structural layout scheme A of the original parking garage. Marked as void.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f60_1985_005 - Scheme B of the original parking garage. Marked as void. -
Sixth and Main Parking Garage construction drawing set, part 2, 1985 November
Sheet inventory:
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_019 - Beam diagrams and schedule listing details based on marking.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_021 - Guardrail plans and section drawings of the columns.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_022 - Notes regarding various parts of the parking garage design.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_023 - Plans for the first floor of the parkings garage.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_024 - Plans for the second through eigth floor.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_025 - Plans for the roof of the parking garage.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_026 - Elevation drawings from the East and the West.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_027 - Elevation drawing from the South.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_028 - Elevation drawing from the North.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_030 - Section drawings of the front stairs, the elevator, and the ramps.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_031 - Elevation drawing of the rear stair enclosure and section drawing of the rear stairs.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_033 - Floor plan for the rear section of the first floor.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_034 - Floor plan for the front section of the second through eigth floor.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_035 - Section drawings of the rear ramp, elevation and section drawing of the ladder, drawing of the roof hatch, and elevator door details.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_036 - Section drawing of the building and various details.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_038 - Plans for the landscape outside of the front of the parking garage and various detail drawings. -
Sixth and Main Parking Garage construction drawing set, part 1, 1985 November
Sheet inventory:
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_001 - An index for the original Sixth & Main Parking Garage containing the meaning of abbreviations, symbols, and drawings.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_002 - Plat survey of the Sixth & Main Parking Garage and surrounding plots.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_004 - Foundation plans for level 1A & 1B.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_006 - Several variations for control joint designs.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_007 - Slab framing for both sections of the second floor.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_008 - Slab framing for both sections of the third through eighth floor.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_009 - Slab framing for both sections of the ninth floor.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_010 - Section drawings of the front stairs, the elevator, and the ramps.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_011 - Section drawings of the rear stairs.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_012 - Partial foundation plan for the front of the first floor.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_013 - Partial foundation plan for the rear of the first floor.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_014 - Roof Plans for the front of the parking garage, including the top of the stairwell. See 029.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_016 - Section drawings of the rear ramp and other miscellaneous areas.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_017 - Section drawing of the front ramp.
MssAR_W259_015AR3_f61_018 - Column plans and schedule listing details based on marking and level.
Humana Conference and Fitness Center Area Plan and Drawings
Drawings of the Humana Conference and Fitness Center in Louisville, Kentucky. -
Humana Conference and Fitness Center Wall Section Drawings
Wall section drawings of the Humana Conference and Fitness Center in Louisville, Kentucky. -
Humana Conference and Fitness Center Elevation Drawings
Elevation and section drawings of the Humana Conference and Fitness Center in Louisville, Kentucky. -
Humana Conference and Fitness Center Architectural Details
Various architectural details for the Humana Conference and Fitness Center in Louisville, Kentucky. Views include elevations, sections, stairs, doors, parapet, and skylights. -
Humana Conference and Fitness Center Architectural Drawings
Site plans of the Humana Conference and Fitness Center in Louisville, Kentucky. Views include the east elevation, exterior, and interior. -
Ceremony for University of Louisville Men's Basketball winning the NCAA National Championship, 1986
Images from the celebration ceremony for the University of Louisville Men's Basketball team winning the NCAA National Championship in 1986. Mayor Jerry Abramson holds up a sign with the University of Louisville Cardinals logo and the sign reads "Louisville 1986 NCAA Champs" -
Winn Dixie Streetball Showdown, circa 1980-1990s
Photograph from the Winn-Dixie Streetball Showdown featuring Mayor Jerry Abramson participating, ca. 1990. The Streetball Showdown was an annual fundraiser for the Cabbage Patch Settlement House. -
Toonerville II Ceremony, 1987
Photographs from the launch of the Toonerville II Trolleys. The ceremony included speeches and a ribbon cutting by Mayor Jerry Abramson. The diesel trolleys were conceived of by advocates for downtown to help revitalize and bring business to the downtown shopping district. -
Germantown-Paristown Neighborhood Center Dedication, August 27, 1986
Photograph of the dedication ceremony for the Germantown-Paristown Neighborhood Center. Mayor Jerry Abramson is handing over the scissors to cut the ribbon. -
Roy, Jerry, and Shirley Abramson, circa 1985
Jerry Abramson posing with his parents Roy and Shirley, likely during a campaign event ca. 1985.