The Filson Historical Society Digital Projects

Louisville Equal Rights Association Minute Book, 1890 April 4 (pt. 1)




Regular Monthly Meeting, April 4th 1890

The Pres opened the meeting by reading the XLI Psalm, and Dr. Cady followed a prayer. The Secretary's report was read and approved. It being the annual meeting,the Treasurer's report was of receipts and disbursements for the year beginning with the organization of this Association, March 1st 1889.

Disbursements: Sec'y's bill for postage, stationery and book $3.50. Bill for advertising in “Truth” $3.00. $3.50 sent to State Treasurer as membership dues. Total disbursements $10.05.Receipts: 15 membership dues of $1.00 each. Total $15.00.Leaving a balance on hand of $4.95.From a collection taken in the Asso. $10.60 was sent to Mrs. Henry as aid for her legislative work. The report was accepted.

The Pres. called for the reports of Standing Coms. Mrs. Avery as chairman of Com. on Literature stated that she had distributed literature in this city and state also in other states, mentioning Kansas and Michigan, from which she had proof of converts made. The Committees on Press, and on Hygiene and Dress were not represented. Mrs Johnson was appointed to serve as a Com on Press, in place of Mrs. Hibbard removed from the city. Mrs. Rogers moved that the annual dues should be paid in April. This was seconded, and carried, and members present paid for the ensuing year.

(cont'd on next page)


Louisville Equal Rights Association, “Louisville Equal Rights Association Minute Book, 1890 April 4 (pt. 1),” The Filson Historical Society Digital Projects, accessed April 27, 2024,