The Filson Historical Society Digital Projects

Louisville Equal Rights Association Minute Book, 1890 January 3 (pt. 2) - 1890 January 17




(cont'd from previous page)

A motion was made, that until further notice, the hour for holding these meetings should be at 3:00 PM and as here-to-fore on the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month. Sec. and carried.

The Sec'y was instructed to secure 6 copies of Morton's Manuel [sic] to be paid for out of the funds for the Assco.

The remainder of the time was occupied with reading the first Chap. from the Manuel [sic], and its discussion.

Minutes of Meeting, Jan. 17th 1890

This meeting was held at the home of the President; and was opened with the usual devotional exercises.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and accepted. There was no report from the Treasurer; that officer being absent from the city.

The Pres. read a letter from Mrs. Avery, and the Constitution of the National American Woman Suffrage Asso.Mrs. Johnson read a letter from Mrs. Henry telling of work done in Frankfort.

The remainder of the time was occupied with the study of the first two chapters of Morton's Manuel [sic]. After which the meeting adjourned.


Louisville Equal Rights Association, “Louisville Equal Rights Association Minute Book, 1890 January 3 (pt. 2) - 1890 January 17,” The Filson Historical Society Digital Projects, accessed April 27, 2024,