The Filson Historical Society Digital Projects

Roy Parsons Scrapbook, Vol. 1


Roy Parsons Scrapbook, Vol. 1


Roy Parsons Scrapbook, Vol. 1, The Filson Historical Society, Louisville, Kentucky


The Filson Historical Society, Louisville, Kentucky



Collection Items


    A scrapbook page on Shorty, the Irish terrier mascot of No. 1 Hook and Ladder Company and No. 2 Engine Company in Louisville, Kentucky. A photograph on the top left corner of the page captures Shorty standing on a brick road. A large photograph on the right hand side of the page shows Shorty seated in the passenger seat of a firetruck with firefighters and a woman posing around him. A veteran of 1,000 fires, Shorty died from falling from his accustomed place on the driver’s seat of the fire engine pumper. The remaining two photographs are on the bottom left of the page and labeled "Shorty Nov 26 1931." They depict Shorty's burial in the lawn plot between the No. 1 Hook and Ladder Company and the water tower at Sixth Street and Jefferson Street.