The Filson Historical Society Digital Projects

Louisville Equal Rights Association Minute Book, 1894 November 19 - 1894 December 10



Minutes of Meeting Nov. 19th 1894

The President called the meeting to order and reported the result of her interview with Mr. J. M. Chatterson as being very satisfactory, and the attitude of the other members of the Board as probably favorable. It was thought advisable to see some of the prominent teachers, and Miss. Beeler and Miss. Leib were selected for this work. The President and Mrs. Bergmann were also to see the President of the School Board and others, to get their opinions in regard to school suffrage.

The change in the constitution regarding state fees, voted upon at the last meeting, was ratified by a full vote of those present.

Miss. Leib was requested to see if the lecture room of the Unitarian Church could be procured for a lecture by Miss Susan B. Anthony in January.

Meeting then adjourned.

Minutes of Meeting Dec. 10th 1894

The meeting was called to order by the President and a report given of visits by herself and Mrs. Bergmann to the Pres. of the School Board, and five Trustees, all of whom seemed quite favorable and encouraging in regard to the school suffrage work. Miss. Beeler and Miss. Leib also reported having visited quite a number of teachers, and found them cordially in favor of the movement.

Miss. Leib reported that we could have the Unitarian Sunday School room for Miss. Anthony's lecture. On motion it was accepted with cordial thanks.

A motion was made that we engage Miss. Anthony, which was carried. The meeting then adjourned.


Louisville Equal Rights Association, “Louisville Equal Rights Association Minute Book, 1894 November 19 - 1894 December 10,” The Filson Historical Society Digital Projects, accessed April 24, 2024,