The Filson Historical Society Digital Projects

Louisville Equal Rights Association Minute Book, 1892 January 15 (pt. 2) - 1892 February 5 (pt. 1)



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Hall and also to invite Judge L. H. Noble to present the law as it is, in regard to women's property, and that Mrs. Henry be invited to speak in behalf of equal property rights. It was further decided to send invitations to all of our representatives in Frankfort to be present at the meeting, and that it be advertised for Jan 30thin all the city papers.

The meeting then adjourned.

Minutes of Meeting February 5th 1892

This regular monthly meeting was held at the usual time and place, Mrs. Leech in the Chair. Much of the time of the meeting was devoted to arranging a petition, with the appended signatures, to be sent to our representatives at Frankfort. The petition asked the consideration by the Louisville members of both branches of the Legislature, of such a bill as would give the women of Kentucky control of their own income, ability to make a will, and equal rights with fathers in the custody of their children.

The meeting of Jan 30th at Baldwin's Hall was well attended, and much interest aroused in quarters where the subject of equal rights had not before met with much consideration. Mrs. Henry's appeal was in her usual earnest style, and Judge Noble's clear and impartial exposition of the present laws was listened to with profound attention. The Treasurer's report showed that after all the expenses incurred for this meeting had been paid, there still remained in the Treasury $14.80.

A resolution was adopted

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Louisville Equal Rights Association, “Louisville Equal Rights Association Minute Book, 1892 January 15 (pt. 2) - 1892 February 5 (pt. 1),” The Filson Historical Society Digital Projects, accessed April 23, 2024,