The Filson Historical Society Digital Projects

Letter, 11 August 1918 with cover




Letter addressed to Miss Nellie Rahe, Milan, Indiana, Route #2, Box 52.
Postmarked [Tuesday] August 13, 1918.
16 Battery Officers Training
School, Camp Taylor, Ky
[Sunday] August 11, 1918
Dearest Nellie -

This finds me in the squad room trying to rest but it is so hot that I can hardily [sic] sit still so guess I will try to write you a few lines, as it [is] about all I can do to pass away the time, and I can spend it in no better way.

My vac[c]ination is getting along all right and if nothing happens it will be O.K. in a few days.

Well I had a no 1 disappointment this morning. I wanted to come home on a 5 day furlough but could not because so many men were out. so the captain said but I don't see why I could not have been one of them.

Well I just came back from the school. went over after those apples you sent. they were fine but won't last long as they were to[o] good. well I saw the other Frank Lane[.] he said he did not get any packages of mine but he did get the letter which you mailed at Aurora but it wasn't opened[.] said he would see that I got every bit of mail intended for me because he know[s] where to find me now.

One of the cooks father was here this morning from Illinois, and he brought a box of cake & chicken he divided up and it certainly was grand as Nora says.

The candidates have just come in and they are just about all in it is so hot. I don't see hardily [sic] how they stand it.

If you can send my little harp also some cigars some time do so it will be [a] past [sic] time any way and we need something to keep our minds busy on something.

Writing every day as I have been doing the past week, my letters won't be so long but perhaps you will enjoy them just the same. I hope so at least.

The boys certainly enjoy themselves to have to live such a life as they do and I don't see how they do it, altho many or the most of them go to Town of Louisville every Saturday evening. but that kind of times don't suit me here at least for there is only one place for me to enjoy myself and that is at your side.

Are Henry and Anna going to attend the State Fair? I see in the paper where they are going to have some war trophies from Germany on exhibition, and they will be worth seeing.

Well I guess I will quit and write again tomorrow night.

Good bye sweetheart until I write again. Yours with love,

Frank Raymond Lane


Lane, Frank Raymond, “Letter, 11 August 1918 with cover,” The Filson Historical Society Digital Projects, accessed April 24, 2024,