Browse Items (23 total)
Last Will and Testament of Alexander Scott Bullitt, August 24th, 1815.
Alexander Scott Bullitt's last will and testament, dated August 24th, 1815, and probated on May 13th, 1816. This document mentions all the people enslaved by Alexander Scott Bullitt, including: Jenny (and her four children Bobb, Molly, Stafford, Matthew), Phil, Rose Abbey, Priss, Big Rachael, George, Jerry, Lucinda (former wife of Daniel), Young Dave, Dry run Dave (and his wife Luce Jenkins, and their two children Kate and Mina), Vilet (and her three children Albert, George, and Stephen), Annie (and her child Sylva), Harry (and his wife Hannah Sinai and her child Ellie), Willis, Ned, Simon, Barcus, Dry run Mose and his wife Rachael (and her six children Ruth, Nelly, Jacob, Harris, Jerry, and William), Polly (and her children Letty, John, Moses), Peg, Abraham, Big Bill, Hope, Little Bill, Celia (and her four children Betsy, Titus, Absolam, Dolly), Rachael (and her two children Sally and Alek), Dinah (and her child Louisa), "Ake and Annie and Frank his children," Big Jack, Lame Bill, Jim, Stephen, Zack, Liddy (and her two youngest children, Aggey and Anthony), Old Jenny Winney (and her four children John, Nancy, Sam, Willis), Venus (and her two children Maria and Henry), Tener, Sam (and his wife Sary and child Harry), Peter (and his wife Judy), Charles (and his wife Molly Perkins and child Dolly), Danel, Kesia (and her three kids Adam, Matilda, Penny), Darky (and her child Mary), and Dry Run Jude (and her kids Charles and Winna).Tags Abraham; Absolam; Adam; Aggy; Ake; Albert; Alek; Annie; Anthony; Barcus; Betsy; Big Bill; Big Jack; Big Rachael; Bobb; Bullitt, Alexander Scott; Celia; Charles; Danel; Daniel; Darky; Dinah; Dolly; Dry Run Dave; Dry Run Jude; Dry Run Mose; Ellie; Frank; George; Hannah Sinai; Harris; Harry; Henry; Hope; Jacob; Jenny; Jerry; Jim; John; Judy; Kate; Kesia; Lame Bill; Letty; Liddy; Little Bill; Louisa Taylor; Louisiana Taylor; Luce Jenkins; Lucinda; Maria; Mary; Matilda; Matthew; Mina; Molly; Molly Perkins; Moses; Nancy; Ned; Nelly; Old Jenny Winney; Peg; Penny; Peter; Phil; Polly; Priss; Rachael; Rose Abbey; Ruth; Sally; Sam; Sary; Simon; Stafford; Stephen; Sylva; Tener; Titus; Venus; Vilet; William; Willis; Winna; Young Dave; Zack -
Articles of Agreement hiring people enslaved by Alexander Scott Bullitt, September 1st, 1811.
Articles of agreement between Alexander Scott Bullitt and John Tarascon, hiring out eight people Alexander Scott Bullitt enslaves, including: James, Charles, Daniel, Stephen, Jerry, Bill, Simon, and Lucinda (wife of David). The agreement, dated September 1st, 1811, is very detailed on how enslaved people should be treated and housed. -
Articles of Agreement hiring people enslaved by Alexander Scott Bullitt, September 25th, 1809.
Articles of agreement between Alexander Scott Bullitt and John Tarascon, hiring out eight people Alexander Scott Bullitt enslaves, including: James, Charles, Daniel, Stephen, Jerry, Bill, Simon, and Lucinda (wife of David). The agreement, dated September 25th, 1809, is very detailed on how enslaved people should be treated and housed.