Browse Items (7 total)
Letter from Arthur Campbell to John Brown, 29 December 1787
In this letter, Campbell tells Brown of a "vast multitude of immigrants" passing through the wilderness to Kentucky and Cumberland without any trouble from the Native Americans. Goes on to say that there is a probability peace will be broken from the war against the Creek Indians. -
Letter from William Clark to Edmund Clark, 25 December 1814
Letter from William Clark in St. Louis to his brother, Edmund Clark, in Louisville. Writes that he has drawn on him for sixty dollars for a sword and printing. Inquires about his health. Mentions his enslaved man, York. Notes "the prospect of Indian war is unfavourable to us and it may be proper to send my family to Kentucky or Tennessee. It is most probable to Kentucky in that case." -
Memoir, correspondence, and miscellanies, from the papers of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 2.
In 1788, Jefferson wrote to a John Brown of Kentucky urging Americans to wait until Europe was at war before attempting further exploration of the West. -
The Independent Gazetteer, or, the Chronicle of Freedom, 24 January 1788
"By a gentleman lately arrived from the western country... not less than eighteen to twenty thousand emigrants have arrived in Kentucky within the last nine months by the different routs of the Ohio, Wilderness, &c." -
The Wilderness Road
Title page of The Wilderness Road, a description of the travel routes by which white settlers first came to Kentucky. -
Travels through the Western Interior of the United States, from the year 1808 up to the year 1816
"Travels through the western interior of the United States, from the year 1808 up to the year 1816: with a particular description of a great part of Mexico, or New-Spain. Containing a particular account of thirteen different tribes of Indians through which the author passed, describing their manners, customs, &c., with some account of a tribe whose customs are similar to those of the ancient Welsh." -
William Brown's memorandum book, 1790
Memorandum book documenting William Brown's travel from Hanover County, Virginia, to Kentucky, via Fort Pitt and the Ohio River. Included are pages from 1 August 1790, to 1 December 1790.