The Filson Historical Society Digital Projects

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  • 024x6_glazeri_ocr.pdf

    Summary of an oral history interview conducted with Irvin Glazer (1920-2012) on July 7, 2011. The interview was part of the Louisville Jewish Family and Career Services's project to document the lives of Jewish seniors in Louisville, Kentucky.
  • 024x6_glazerm_ocr.pdf

    Summary of an oral history interview conducted with Martin Glazer (1924-2017) on November 16, 2011. The summary is accompanied by an obituary for Martin Glazer. The interview was part of the Louisville Jewish Family and Career Services's project to document the lives of Jewish seniors in Louisville, Kentucky.

    Martin Glazer was born and raised in Louisville to Russian-American parents, who both desired to live in the United States and thus immigrated first to New York then to Louisville. Growing up in a Yiddish and English speaking home, he lived through the Great Flood of 1937 relatively unharmed, as his family lived on elevated ground. As a Jewish youth he notes that all holidays were observed and the family maintained a strict kosher diet even following the death of his mother. He was Bar Mitzvah’d at Anshei Sfard. His high school education took place at Male High School after which he spent four years in the United States Army. He returned to Louisville for an undergraduate degree and law school at the University of Louisville in four years, so all education would be covered by the G.I. Bill (formally titled the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944). After meeting his wife, Phyllis Levy, he began attending Adath Jeshurun with her. He experienced anti-Semitism as a lawyer. After serving in the Army Air Corps, he served in Italy and nearly volunteered for the Israeli Army during the Six Day War. His hobbies included listening to magic tricks by radio, building model aircraft with a friend, and keeping the Hebrew faith flourishing in his family.
  • 024x6_glazern_ocr.pdf

    Summary of an oral history interview conducted with Norman Glazer (1925-2011) on January 22, 2002. The interview was part of the Louisville Jewish Family and Career Services's project to document the lives of Jewish seniors in Louisville, Kentucky.
  • 024x6_goddyl_ocr.pdf

    Summary of an oral history interview conducted with Leonard Goddy (1933-2023) in 2002. The interview was part of the Louisville Jewish Family and Career Services's project to document the lives of Jewish seniors in Louisville, Kentucky.
  • 024x6_godhelffm_ocr.pdf

    Summary of an oral history interview conducted with Miriam Godhelff (1928-) in March 2011. The interview was part of the Louisville Jewish Family and Career Services's project to document the lives of Jewish seniors in Louisville, Kentucky.
  • 024x6_gold_g_ocr.pdf

    Summary of an oral history interview conducted with Gerard Gold (1926-2021) in circa 2000s. The interview was part of the Louisville Jewish Family and Career Services's project to document the lives of Jewish seniors in Louisville, Kentucky.
  • 024x6_goldbergl_ocr.pdf

    Summary of an oral history interview conducted with Linda Goldberg (1941-) on October 7, 2002. The interview was part of the Louisville Jewish Family and Career Services's project to document the lives of Jewish seniors in Louisville, Kentucky.
  • 024x6_goldfarbm_ocr.pdf

    Summary of an oral history interview conducted with Melvin Goldfarb (1924-2017) on August 10, 2011. The summary is accompanied by Melvin Goldfarb's obituary and a description of his experience living in a Nazi-imposed Jewish ghetto in Poland, being sent to Auschwitz Birkenau concentration camp, execution of his family, and his eventual liberation.. The interview was part of the Louisville Jewish Family and Career Services's project to document the lives of Jewish seniors in Louisville, Kentucky.

    Melvin Goldfarb was originally born in Pruzana, Poland, and survived the Holocaust, to which he lost thirty-nine family members. He ultimately came to Louisville in 1953 with his wife, whom he married in 1947, to stay with his sister-in-law. He lived in a mixed neighborhood that also included a few Holocaust survivors like himself. He and his family attended Congregation Anshei Sfard, while his sons went to Louisville Hebrew Day School. The family observed Holy Days and all three of his sons were Bar Mitzvah’d. He was a Senior member of the Jewish Community Center. Favorite memories include celebrating religious holidays and spending time with family, all the while being a loving father.
  • 024x6_goldmanma_ocr.pdf

    Summary of an oral history interview conducted with Marty Goldman (1930-) on September 10, 2001. The summary is accompanied by Marty Goldman's curriculum vitae and obituary. The interview was part of the Louisville Jewish Family and Career Services's project to document the lives of Jewish seniors in Louisville, Kentucky.
  • 024x6_goldmanmy_ocr.pdf

    Summary of an oral history interview conducted with Myra Goldman (1960-) on July 25, 2002. The interview was part of the Louisville Jewish Family and Career Services's project to document the lives of Jewish seniors in Louisville, Kentucky.
  • 024x6_goldmant_ocr.pdf

    Summary of an oral history interview conducted with Toni Goldman (1932-) on September 10, 2001. The interview was part of the Louisville Jewish Family and Career Services's project to document the lives of Jewish seniors in Louisville, Kentucky.
  • 024x6_goldsteind_201306.jpg

    Summary of an oral history interview conducted with Daisy Goldstein (1933-) on December 10, 2010. The summary is accompanied by a photograph of Goldstein taken by Margaret Mazanec at a party on June 23, 2013. The interview was part of the Louisville Jewish Family and Career Services's project to document the lives of Jewish seniors in Louisville, Kentucky.
  • 024x6_goldsteinh_ocr.pdf

    Summary of an oral history interview conducted with Helen Goldstein (1917-2010) on September 26, 2002. The summary is accompanied by an obituary for Helen Goldstein. The interview was part of the Louisville Jewish Family and Career Services's project to document the lives of Jewish seniors in Louisville, Kentucky.
  • 024x6_goldsteini_80s90s.jpg

    Summary of an oral history interview conducted with Irvin Goldstein (1929-) in 2010 and 2018. The summary is accompanied by a circa 1980s-1990s portrait of Goldstein, photograph of Goldstein taken by Margaret Mazanec on June 23, 2013, biography, and resume. The interview was part of the Louisville Jewish Family and Career Services's project to document the lives of Jewish seniors in Louisville, Kentucky.

    Irvin Goldstein descends from Polish and Russian ancestry and was born in Louisville, speaking English and a little Yiddish in his family. Irv lived in the Highlands with other family members in the area and maintained Jewish practice by attending synagogue at Adath Jeshurun. During the Great Flood of 1937 his family was a little crowded in their house as they also welcomed his aunt and three cousins after their basement suffered flooding, and they received typhoid shots at a local library. Beyond that, nothing especially severe occurred to his household. Irvin observed all Holy Days with his family, was confirmed in Cincinnati, Ohio, and was also Bar Mitzvah’d. Following high school at Ohio Military Institute then Male High School, he attended the University of Kentucky, where he ultimately majored in Elementary Education. He wound up teaching Canada, followed by New Albany, Indiana. He enjoys building model airplanes and H. O. model railroads, has a stamp collection, and values the participation of his children and grandchildren in Jewish activities.
  • 024x6_goldsteinl_ocr.pdf

    Summary of an oral history interview conducted with Lynn Goldstein (1938-2016) on December 8, 2011. The summary is accompanied by an obituary and funeral service program with a photograph of Goldstein. The interview was part of the Louisville Jewish Family and Career Services's project to document the lives of Jewish seniors in Louisville, Kentucky.
  • 024x6_goldsteinm_2010s.jpg

    Summary of an oral history interview conducted with M. Jay Goldstein (1932-2014) in circa 2000s-2010s The interview was part of the Louisville Jewish Family and Career Services's project to document the lives of Jewish seniors in Louisville, Kentucky.
  • 024x6_goodmanb_ocr.pdf

    Summary of an oral history interview conducted with Betty Byck Goodman (1934-) in August 2011. The interview was part of the Louisville Jewish Family and Career Services's project to document the lives of Jewish seniors in Louisville, Kentucky.

    Betty Byck Goodman, the daughter of German immigrants, was born in Louisville. She lived in an upscale neighborhood that housed few Jews and few shops. During the Great Flood of 1937 she went down to Mockingbird Valley with a maid to see the water level and lived a month without electricity. Her experiences with synagogue were limited but she was confirmed and did observe Passover. Betty attended Emmet Field Elementary School, then Barrett Junior High, then went to the Kentucky Home School for Girls. She attended college at the University of Miami, Ohio, and then enrolled in Spalding for Counseling Psychology and her Master’s, which she used to help families with alcohol abuse. Her father joined the United States Army at the beginning of World War II at age 42 and eventually landed at Fort Bragg. One of her most passionate hobbies is painting, for which she takes classes at the Temple. She intends to leave behind a spirit of respect, love, and dignity to treat others with.
  • 024x6_goodmane_ocr.pdf

    Summary of an oral history interview conducted with Ella Goodman (1925-) in October 2018. The summary is accompanied by a photograph of Goodman. The interview was part of the Louisville Jewish Family and Career Services's project to document the lives of Jewish seniors in Louisville, Kentucky.
  • 024x6_goodmanl_ocr.pdf

    Summary of an oral history interview conducted with Linda Goodman (1945-) on October 2, 2001. The interview was part of the Louisville Jewish Family and Career Services's project to document the lives of Jewish seniors in Louisville, Kentucky.
  • 024x6_gordonr_ocr.pdf

    Summary of an oral history interview conducted with Ruby Gordon (1940-2021) on July 26, 2011. The summary is accompanied by Ruby Gordon's resume, an award nomination, and genealogy chart. The interview was part of the Louisville Jewish Family and Career Services's project to document the lives of Jewish seniors in Louisville, Kentucky.
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