The Filson Historical Society Digital Projects

Browse Items (6 total)


    Autobiography written in English by Denise Wolff (1909-2000), a Jewish French American that immigrated to the United States during World War II. She describes her youth in France, hardship during German occupation during World War II, and immigration to the United States via Spain and Portugal, and activities she took part in at the Temple in Louisville, Kentucky.
  • MssA_L668_F06_003d.jpg

    French passport for Eugénie Baer Hirsch (1880-1967), a French Jewish woman. She was married to Jacques Hirsch and the mother of Denise Hirsch Wolff (1909-2000). She immigrated to the United States and moved to Louisville, Kentucky, where her daughter had moved during World War II. Blank visa pages were not scanned.

    French identity card of Eugénie Baer Hirsch, a Jewish woman. She was married to Jacques Hirsch and the mother of Denise Hirsch Wolff (1909-2000).

    Declaration of change of residence for Eugénie Baer Hirsch, a French Jewish woman. She was married to Jacques Hirsch and the mother of Denise Hirsch Wolff (1909-2000). She immigrated to the United States and moved to Louisville, Kentucky, where her daughter had moved during World War II.

    World War II era French safe conduct pass for Eugénie Baer Hirsch, a French Jewish woman. She was married to Jacques Hirsch and the mother of Denise Hirsch Wolff (1909-2000).

    French identity card of Eugénie Baer Hirsch (1880-1967), a Jewish Frenchwoman. Eugénie was the widow of Jacques Hirsch, and mother of Denise Hirsch Wolff (1909-2000). She immigrated to the United States in 1947 and settled in Louisville, Kentucky.
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