The Filson Historical Society Digital Projects

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  • Screenshot 2024-09-10 163556.png

    8mm color film clip of a milkman delivering and removing milk churns for Camp Tall Trees, and children dispensing milk. The Jewish Community Center of Louisville hosted the 2-3 week long summer camp in Otter Creek Recreation Area, Meade County, Kentucky.

    29-page report on the 1950 season of Camp Tall Trees in Meade County, Kentucky. The Louisville Young Men's Hebrew Association (YMHA) operated the Jewish overnight summer camp.

    Newspaper produced by Jewish counselors and campers of Camp Tall Trees in Meade County, Kentucky. Includes a list of the cabins and campers with "an outstanding characteristic of each camper," and biographical sketches on the counselors. Headlines include "Experiments," "Bravery Department," "The Treasure Hunt," "An Overnight Hike," "The Perfect Boy Camper," "The Chuckle Box," "The Perfect Girl Camper," "Things Most Appreciated This First Camping Season," "Nature Report," "A Report from One of Our Choir Members," "Evening Programs," and "The Swimming Pool."
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