Various details for the recital hall, audio/visual room, and other equipment for for Jasper Ward's recital and music building project at the Kentucky School for the Blind in Louisville, Kentucky.
Section, elevation, and details drawings of various interior locations for Jasper Ward's recital and music building project at the Kentucky School for the Blind in Louisville, Kentucky.
Topographical drawings of the site and site plans for Jasper Ward's recital and music building project at the Kentucky School for the Blind in Louisville, Kentucky.
Aerial drawings of the Kentucky School for the Blind campus in Louisville, Kentucky. These drawings are part of Jasper Ward's work on the recital hall and music building.
Section and elevation drawings of the Townsend Residence in Louisville, Kentucky. The drawings depict the north elevation, west/east elevation, roof, foundation, loft, balcony, framing, and spiral staircase.
Architectural drawings of the first level of the Townsend Residence in Louisville, Kentucky. Details include transom panels, laundry room, storage rooms, passage way, exercise room, and recreation space.