The Filson Historical Society Digital Projects

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    The package in which Wyncie King sent his caricatures to the Filson.

    Pen and ink sketch of Young E. Allison, author and newspaper editor. A prolific writer, Allison is remembered for his epic piratical poem "On Board the Derelict," an expansion of Robert Louis Stevenson's "Fifteen Men on the Dead Man's Chest."

    Bennett H. Young, Confederate officer and prominent Louisville attorney. During the Civil War, Young led Confederate forces in a raid on St. Albans, Vermont.

    Ilya Tolstoy was a writer and son of Leo Tolstoy. King sketched Tolstoy while he stayed in Louisville at the Watterson Hotel.

    Sidney Bernheim, a co-worker of Wyncie King, sold advertisements for the Louisville Herald. The sketch gives the impression that Bernheim was an unusually tall individual with poor posture.

    Patrick O'Sullivan, a gifted composer and pianist who hailed from Louisville, Kentucky. On the back of the drawing, King remarked that O'Sullivan was the "very essence of the Irish."

    Otto Rothert, author and secretary of the Filson Club. In this caricature, King gave Rothert's features an effeminate cast. On the back of the drawing, he noted that Rothert was a good friend of Young E. Allison.

    Lieutenant Adrien Florent was a member of the French Military Mission at Camp Zachary Taylor during World War I.

    James D. Black, former governor of Kentucky. King sketched most of his subjects from the shoulders up, but in this drawing we get the impression that Black was a short man with an eye for fashion.

    Harvey Joiner was a landscape artist from Louisville known for his paintings of beech trees.

    Harriet Monroe was the editor of Poetry magazine in Chicago, Illinois and played an important role in the development of modern poetry. King sketched Monroe when she visited Young E. Allison in Louisville.

    Brigadier General Francis Marshall commanded troops at Camp Zachary Taylor during World War I and was awarded the Army Distinguished Service Medal for his leadership during the Meuse-Argonne Offensive. He died in an airplane crash in 1922.

    Pencil and watercolor sketch of Desha Breckinridge, editor of the Lexington Herald from 1897 to 1935.

    Pencil and watercolor sketch of Andrew G. Leonard, who was the steward of the Kentucky Jockey Club. Leonard holds a pair of binoculars in his hand.

    Sergeant Alvin York, World War I hero and recipient of the Medal of Honor. King sketched him when he stayed at the Watterson Hotel in Louisville during his bridal trip. On the back of the drawing, King wrote that York was "a mild looking gent to be such a hero." Interestingly, York never wanted to fight in World War I; when filling out his draft card he tried to claim an exemption as a conscientious objector.

    Wyncie King, as drawn by a fellow caricaturist.
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