Browse Items (13 total)
Articles of Agreement hiring people enslaved, January 1, 1864
Articles of agreement between William Christian Bullitt and Archibald Dixon, dated January 1st, 1864 in Henderson County, Kentucky. The agreement hires the following enslaved people to Archibald Dixon in Union for the year of 1864, along with the prices assigned to them: George, Dick, Armstead, Billy, Ike, Bill, John Gordon (with Frank, who is blind, and children Nelly, Bobb, Alfred, Harrison, and Jack), Rody, Lizzy, Rose, and Rose’s children. -
Articles of Agreement for hiring people enslaved by William Christian Bullitt, January 1, 1864
Articles of agreement between William Christian Bullitt and Mr. Soaper, dated January 1st, 1864. The agreement hires the following enslaved people to Mr. Soaper in Henderson County for the year of 1864, along with the prices assigned to them: Daniel, Jim, Parker, Moses, Alek, Joe, and Diana.Tags Alek; Daniel; Diana; Henderson; Jim; Joe; Moses; Parker; William Christian Bullitt; William Soaper -
Articles of Agreement hiring people enslaved by Alexander Scott Bullitt, October 4th, 1815.
Articles of agreement between Alexander Scott Bullitt and John Tarascon, hiring out eight people Alexander Scott Bullitt enslaves for Tarascon's rope walk, including: James, Charles, Daniel, Stephen, Jerry, Bill, Simon, and Molly (wife of Charles). The agreement, dated October 4th, 1815, is very detailed on how enslaved people should be treated and housed.Tags Bill; Bullitt, Alexander Scott; Charles; Daniel; James; Jerry; John Tarascon; Molly; Simon; Stephen -
Articles of Agreement hiring people enslaved by Alexander Scott Bullitt, September 1st, 1807.
Articles of agreement between Alexander Scott Bullitt and John Tarascon, hiring out seven people Alexander Scott Bullitt enslaves, including: James, Charles, Harry, Daniel, Stephen, Jerry, and Lucinda (wife of Daniel). The agreement, dated September 1st, 1807, is very detailed on how enslaved people should be treated and housed.Tags Bullitt, Alexander Scott; Charles; Daniel; Harry; James; Jerry; John Tarascon; Lucinda; Stephen -
Articles of Agreement for Jesse, a man enslaved by the Bullitt family, January 28th, 1790.
Articles of Agreement between Alexander Scott Bullitt, Philip Buckner, and William Ozburn for the hire of Jesse, a man enslaved by the Bullitt family. The article is dated January 28th, 1790. -
Articles of Agreement for David, a man enslaved by Alexander Scott Bullitt, June 21st, 1808.
Articles of Agreement between Colonel Alexander Scott Bullitt and Dr. Benjamin Lawrence, dated June 21st, 1808. David, a man enslaved by Bullitt, is listed under the account receipts on the front page. -
Articles of Agreement hiring Rachael and her four children, who are enslaved by William C. Bullitt, December 24th, 1818.
An article of agreement hiring Rachael and her four children for the year of 1819, dated December 24th, 1818. Rachael and her four children were enslaved by William Christian Bullitt and hired by John Shaw for the period of one year. -
Articles of Agreement hiring Rose, a woman enslaved by Alexander Scott Bullitt, October 19th, 1815.
Articles of Agreement between Mary Prather and Alexander Scott Bullitt, dated October 19th, 1815. Mary Prather is hiring Rose, a woman enslaved by Alexander Scott Bullitt, on behalf of her husband, Richard Prather. -
Articles of Agreement hiring people enslaved by Alexander Scott Bullitt, September 22nd, 1813.
Articles of agreement between Alexander Scott Bullitt and John Tarascon, hiring out eight people Alexander Scott Bullitt enslaves for Tarascon's rope walk, including: James, Charles, Daniel, Stephen, Jerry, Bill, Simon, and Polly (wife of Charles). The agreement, dated September 22nd, 1813, is very detailed on how enslaved people should be treated and housed.Tags Bill; Bullitt, Alexander Scott; Charles; Daniel; James; Jerry; John Tarascon; Polly; Simon; Stephen -
Articles of Agreement hiring people enslaved by Alexander Scott Bullitt, September 1st, 1811.
Articles of agreement between Alexander Scott Bullitt and John Tarascon, hiring out eight people Alexander Scott Bullitt enslaves, including: James, Charles, Daniel, Stephen, Jerry, Bill, Simon, and Lucinda (wife of David). The agreement, dated September 1st, 1811, is very detailed on how enslaved people should be treated and housed. -
Articles of Agreement hiring people enslaved by Alexander Scott Bullitt, September 25th, 1809.
Articles of agreement between Alexander Scott Bullitt and John Tarascon, hiring out eight people Alexander Scott Bullitt enslaves, including: James, Charles, Daniel, Stephen, Jerry, Bill, Simon, and Lucinda (wife of David). The agreement, dated September 25th, 1809, is very detailed on how enslaved people should be treated and housed. -
Articles of Agreement hiring people enslaved by Alexander Scott Bullitt, September 24th, 1802.
Articles of Agreement made between Alexander Scott Bullitt and Allen Campbell of the firm of Lowman Ormsby and Campbell. The article concerns hiring out people Alexander Scott Bullitt enslaves, including: Jack and Pris (his wife), James (the son of Jack), Charles, Harry, Daniel, Stephen, George, and Jerry. Article dated September 24th, 1802. -
Articles of Agreement hiring Venus and her family, who are enslaved by William Christian, January 2nd, 1797.
Articles of Agreement between James Hunter, Garret Darland, and Richard Woolfolk for hiring Venus, a woman enslaved by William Christian, and her family. The agreement is dated January 2nd, 1797.