Ackermann Family

Kurt Ackermann in his US Armed Forces uniform outside his home 2063 Sherwood Avenue in Louisville, KY.

Kurt, Gerda, and Trude eventually all found their way to Louisville, settling in a rented home on Sherwood Ave in the Highlands neighborhood and bringing their father and sister to the U.S. as well. Trude opened a milliner's shop on Bardstown Road and later worked in dry goods retail with her husband Emil Breiner. The family rebuilt life in Louisville’s Jewish community. Kurt joined the armed forces during World War II, but the war ended right before he was scheduled to ship overseas. Following discharge, he returned to Louisville to set up his opthamology practice. Kurt joined the staff at Jewish Hospital and served as Clinical Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology at University of Louisville Medical School. Significantly, his lifelong passion for the violin found a new home here.