June 1896-September 1899: "I am trying to do the best I can under the circumstances"
25 June 1896
“I am more than obliged to you for your kindness and also sympathise with you in the death of your dead mother as we were children together. The shawl you speak of in your letter I have not received it but would be very glade to received it as a remembrance of your mother.”
31 March 1898
“I saw the doctor he said he would get the papers ready today if I could give him five dollars. I gave him the dollar you let me have to pay the notary public. This leaves me owing him 4.50 and if you would be kind enough to let me have that amount if I get my pension I will returned it to you for your kindness.”
5 April 1898
“The sight of one eye is gone and the other is getting very bad. I am trying to do the best I can under the circumstances.”
13 September 1899
“I am going to aske you a favor again as I am in distress on account of the Death of my Son in Law this morning [...] Will you please let me have a few dollars to help me at this present time of distress as I would like to get me a little something to nourish me. He has been sick 4 months in bed and I was not able to do anything.”
14 February 1899
“I thought I would send you these few lines to aske you if you would please assist me a little with a little money, as I got a half lode of coal from the Mayor they send it to me Sunday. I fell down about 2 weeks ago on the ice and hurt my self very bad and I am not able to do any thing. I have not got my pension yet but I will pay you back as soon as I get it if you will oblige me.”
27 September 1899
“I send you these few lines to aske you if you will do me a favour. Will you please write me a letter to […] the Pension commission in my behalf stating […] my condition in poverty and Blindness. Perhaps it would aid me in getting my pension.”